I used wine as an emotional crutch all the time, love - and when I stopped drinking altogether this year I noticed that the triggers were all stress related, like you. I actually thought I fancied a glass of wine after work yesterday, it had been a manic but good few days at work and I had that "it's Friday night, let's have wine" feeling - but got in the car and realised that I'd rather have a good dinner and some Hifis, than waste the syns, so got past the moment. Of course it helped that it was raining and I just wanted to get home - so didn't fancy going to the nearest shop! I don't have any alcohol in the house at all now so temptation isn't there!
There's also some herbal tablets called Kudzu root, which are supposed to be good for cravings - and St John's Wort etc for dealing with stress.
After being a binge drinker for years, it's such a fab feeling to wake up on a Saturday, like today, feeling great and ready to get lots done - rather than feeling sorry for myself with a sore head and lying in bed all day sleeping it off.
I reckon once you get a job and get stuff sorted at home, that you'll feel a lot better about tackling it and finding other ways to deal with the ups and downs of life - but big hugs anyway xxx