Tipperary will rock 2025

Thanks, a bath in Epsom salts and some Nurofean have helped
Just weighed in, weight up more again. I'm embarrassed, annoyed and disgusted. I'm not even going to post what it is but wait until official weigh in on Friday and see what is is then. I have a busy three days but need to make sure I get she exercise and be strict with food
I have soup and vegetables cooked for today but will be eating a funny times due to going out.
Just weighed in, weight up more again. I'm embarrassed, annoyed and disgusted. I'm not even going to post what it is but wait until official weigh in on Friday and see what is is then. I have a busy three days but need to make sure I get she exercise and be strict with food
I have soup and vegetables cooked for today but will be eating a funny times due to going out.

Don't feel too bad Tipperary, circumstances beyond your control contributed to it... if you are good between now and Friday you might have some of that extra weight gone...

Draw a line under it, what's done is done.... You are getting back on track straightaway so that's the main thing.
Thanks all, I just feel so disappointed inyself in so many ways.
I've been trying so hard to get a full time job and really didn't think I'd be this long trying. I've been out of things for so long that I feel my brain is seizing up.
Anyway, I went to a meeting today about a new long term future project and ended up going to a conference. It was great for networking and i et lots of people I have worked with over the years and told them all I was actively seeking full time work....fingers crossed something will come from it
Food wise i have been good, porridge for breakfast and then a quick walk. Early lunch at 11am as I knew I was going out. I avoided all tea and biscuits and drank lots of water. Just had dinner now of 4 quorn cocktail sausages and veg from yesterday... Potatoes, cabbage and carrots.
Out all day again tomorrow.
I want to see how I do over the rest of the week and weekend before I make any plans or promises to myself. When I think "big" and try and then fail I feel so let down....so over the next few days will see what is more realistic and aim for that.
Please don't beat yourself up Tipp, it's counterproductive and you've had so much going on!

As Orla says, draw a line under it and do your best to start afresh. You can do this, hun!
I think I have finally realised I am not an emotional eater but I am an emotional drinker. And then when I drink I eat, and then drink more and then eat more...and so it goes. Yesterday was a good news bad news then more good news and then more bad news day (ending with the fire alarm activated in our office at 11pm, it was fine but had to go to town to check it thinking the worst). And each emotional see saw made me think not of chocolate or sugar or fatty foods but wine. So...I need to somehow change my thought process about how I deal with emotion. I don't know how to do that but recognising it I feel is a step in the right direction.
Now...to get on with my day.

Have a good one everyone.
I think I have finally realised I am not an emotional eater but I am an emotional drinker. And then when I drink I eat, and then drink more and then eat more...and so it goes. Yesterday was a good news bad news then more good news and then more bad news day (ending with the fire alarm activated in our office at 11pm, it was fine but had to go to town to check it thinking the worst). And each emotional see saw made me think not of chocolate or sugar or fatty foods but wine. So...I need to somehow change my thought process about how I deal with emotion. I don't know how to do that but recognising it I feel is a step in the right direction.
Now...to get on with my day.

Have a good one everyone.

figuring out what makes you react to emotion in a certain way is definitely half the battle... And its hard to recognise that in yourself sometimes.

Have a great day Tipperary.
Applied for more jobs today

A cook in an eco friendly food producer
A eye health screener for diabetics
A graduate trainee program for a car hire company, I don't imagine they mean 50 year old graduates
And a check in desk operator in an airport, imagine all the weight loss and grooming needed for that

Most pie in the sky I know, but why not.
I used wine as an emotional crutch all the time, love - and when I stopped drinking altogether this year I noticed that the triggers were all stress related, like you. I actually thought I fancied a glass of wine after work yesterday, it had been a manic but good few days at work and I had that "it's Friday night, let's have wine" feeling - but got in the car and realised that I'd rather have a good dinner and some Hifis, than waste the syns, so got past the moment. Of course it helped that it was raining and I just wanted to get home - so didn't fancy going to the nearest shop! I don't have any alcohol in the house at all now so temptation isn't there!

There's also some herbal tablets called Kudzu root, which are supposed to be good for cravings - and St John's Wort etc for dealing with stress.

After being a binge drinker for years, it's such a fab feeling to wake up on a Saturday, like today, feeling great and ready to get lots done - rather than feeling sorry for myself with a sore head and lying in bed all day sleeping it off.

I reckon once you get a job and get stuff sorted at home, that you'll feel a lot better about tackling it and finding other ways to deal with the ups and downs of life - but big hugs anyway xxx
Thanks Susie. Up early this morning and getting bits of the house super clean and writing a shopping list. No meals planned as such, just trying to use what we have.
Happy mother's day everyone.
I'm having a rest before the "lunch invasion".
Got 4 rooms super clean yesterday and then trying to keep them clean used up even more energy. Daughter 2 came home last night for the weekend and daughter one, sil and Oscar coming for mothers day lunch. Son lives here anyway so I'm sure once he smells food he will get up.
Was going to cook roast chicken but actually everyone's favourite meal is Lasagne so have 2 giant ones ready to go in the oven. And not just a regular one but proper home made. I've made homemade pasta for it, it took about 3 hours in total toake and roll the pasta, the meat sauce, the cheese sauce and about 40 pancakes too. I spent all morning in the kitchen listening to The Cranberries while cooking...bliss ( you can see why I would be overweight).
Lots of cooking cos we had a big glut of eggs so plenty used in the pancakes and pasta, lots to freeze now.
On a related note I went to feed the five hens and one duck yesterday and we had only four hens. One dead duck and hen found headless on the ground. I assume it was a mink, he dug under the hen house and into the protected run. I.had specifically locked them up to be safe from a fox, they may have been able to escape quicker if I left them unlocked. Trying to figure out how to explain to Oscar the duck is gone. I have set a mink trap in the garden but have to keep.checking the kittens don't get trapped in it.
I'm going to eat good food but not toouch of it today, I have cabbage and carrots grated to make coleslaw to go with the lasagne and some garlic bread. Crepes made for dessert maybe with caramelised apple or just traditional crepe Suzette. Then play with Oscar and then rest in front of a film for yje afternoon.
And i must ring my mother too.
Enjoy the day.
Oh sad news about the duck and hen, predators like mink are so devious.

The lunch sounds amazing, hope everyone appreciates all your hard work!
Morning all, back again. Lunch went well and we had a nice day. Busy yesterday with car NCT (same as MOT ) then a meeting. I was exhausted as hadn't slept all night, husband had a disturbed night so his sleep machine was pinging all night long and as we had a full house I had no spare room to decamp too.
Anyway, a teeny light on the horizon, I have a job interview in two weeks, finally. It is to go on the panel for positions for the health board. This is a position I applied for in Jan 2017 and is likely if you get placed on panel that it could still be up to 12 months before you get accepted. So...I have exactly 2 weeks to fit into an interview suit. I need to work on very large abdomen and bloated face
So today's challenge is to not eat sugar or butter. Lunch or dinner will be fresh pasta, not the best choice but still have fresh pasta rolled and ready to cut. I might have it with brocolli, peas and spinach...and maybe a drizzle of avocado or pistachio oil. The pasta already has garlic in it.
Sun is out too so a walk in a while. And I don't have much planned for this week.so.hopefully will get a few exercise sessions in.
Talk later, have a good day all.
Oh, and yesterday morning I did have to rescue one of the kittens from the mink trap. All fur babies accounted for now and ony way out to the garden to see how hens are and if we caught a mink.
Panic panic panic.
First of all sugar free for today failed.
Porridge at 7:30am didn't fill me. Was doing lots of admin and emailing and was starving so had 2 pancakes with ham, tomoto, spinach, tomato and aubergine paste. The aubergine had a strong garlic aftertaste so while making tea I absentmindedly picked up and ate a Brownie type thing with lots of marshmallows.
So there is always tomorrow but not really. Just got an email.calling me to an interview THIS THURSDAY with an airline. Honestly, I know people who spend months getting groomed and preened for interviews like this and I have almost 48 hours. Just sent an emergency text to my hairdresser...he gets booked up months in advance but he works from home so.fingers crossed he can squeeze me in. Daughter says they like very well groomed hair put up, well my mad curly wild women hair just won't do it. Darling husband has just givene his credit card and I'm off to Limerick to find a walk in nail.and brow bar. Clothes, I'm not sure. My suits may be a bit dated but I have emergency navy trousers and jacket... May have a sneaky peek in Debenhams ( while I have credit card). At least I will be sorted for next weeks interview too, hair colour will do for both and that doesn't need an up style.
I have found over the last couple of weeks not to have breakfast until around 9am or later. I use to eat it when I got up but thought about it why as I'm not hungry it's was just to get it out of the way. I find then I'm not really hungry during the day but eat something light between 12 and 1 to keep me going.

Good luck with your interview on Thursday.:)