Tipperary will rock 2025

Thanks for the suggestions. Clareel.does the Fitbit really work well, I've read lots of reviews about various trackers and haven't yet read a good one about any. That it doesn't track when pushing a buggy and it will track movement when driving...but open to persuasion as I would like one.
Nice idea too Ladyfelsham, will look into that too. I have a slow cooker which I may well take out now for winter. I also have two pressure cookers that get used a lot. The most used gadget in the house are the nutribullet and hand soup blender.
Just getting ready to go to work, still sick but took two days off and can't take another without a sick cert. I don't want to go to the doctor, its an annoying head cold
sore throat/cough/snots/headache...
no need for a doctor. Face puffy and eyes sore but heading in now

Oh, and I for my hair cut, quite a shortish Bob style right now but will need to see what it looks like when washed and curly again.
Ah sorry you are poorly tipp, it really seems to be doing the rounds at the moment. RE: the fitbit, I find mine completely accurate and have tested it a few times by e.g. counting to 200 steps and it will have counted the same. I have heard that about them not counting when with the buggy, I guess because your hand is on the handle of the buggy and not really moving much. Mine is a fitbit one which is quite basic and I clip it onto my bra and find it works well.

Hope you're feeling better soon.
colds are doing the rounds again. I had one a couple if weeks ago and still have a bit of a cough and my friend had it last week too. Hope you feel better soon. Xx
Thanks all, cold is worse, and yes I agree its doing the rounds. And now the two babies and baby Mammy have it. They've been to the doctor, big baby on steroids and little baby is to stick to breast and cuddles but straight to A&E if anything changes.
Even though I feel miserable I'm glad I went in to work yesterday as they took the training wheels off and dumped us all full into it together. One or two had mini meltdowns and our supervisor felt bad about doing it but I was fine. We reckon its cos our probation is up this week and they need to "test" us.
Diet all over the place, a cold makes we very hungry. I've been using my jiggler every morning and getting a walk some evenings just. Daughter 2 has now been diagnosed with suspected IBS so is trying to follow the FODMAP diet. I've drawn up some suggested meals, she shopped but I'm doing the cooking. Last night it was Thai Green chicken and coconut curry with rice noodles. I'm finding it very hard to cook without onions and garlic. She's finding it hard to find sweet things she can have.....any suggestions welcome from anyone with experience of this.
Oh gosh tipp it's all going on for you, so sorry the babies are poorly that must be worrying. I hope you're all feeling much better soon. I have no experience of the FODMAP diet but I hope it helps. Nearly the weekend thank goodness - you must be exhausted!
Morning Tippy - gosh you have it all going on at the moment! Hope the cold has gone xx

I don't know anything about IBS, but a quick can of the internet points to probiotics and peppermint oil helping.
I hope your week is going well Tipp and the cold is getting better.
@craftermary thanks for the suggestions for FODMAP, I will pass those onto her. She has said she is already feeling a bit better and is finally ready to go back to work after been off since Easter.
Just a quick dash in to say hello, my internet is gone on my phone and we don't have wifi at home and Im not aloud browse at work. Cold still with me and feeling very miserable. Its coming to the end and now I have a muggy head but also feeling very dizzy. Its the long weekend this weekend so three days to rest up.
Weight feels way up, I haven't weighed in but stomach bigger and getting uncomfortable in some clothes and neck feels bigger and choking me at night. Not too worried right now but will weigh in and start again after the weekend and see how things are.
Thanks for the suggestions. Clareel.does the Fitbit really work well, I've read lots of reviews about various trackers and haven't yet read a good one about any. That it doesn't track when pushing a buggy and it will track movement when driving...but open to persuasion as I would like one.

I have the fitbit blaze which I think was bought for me for just over £100.

It doesn't track when pushing a buggy unfortunately. I walked around a zoo for 4 or 5 hours yesterday and clocked up 3000 steps. I walked a far shorter distance today with my wife pushing the pushchair and I did 6000 steps. I managed a couple of thousand steps on an 8 hour drive too! What really annoys me though is when I do 20 miles cycling and it calculates I've done 2000 steps and keeps buzzing at me telling me I'm not doing enough exercise!

The cheaper clip on ones might be the way forward. The two things you don't get with them that you do with the watch is the heartrate monitor which is really interesting (mine has dropped over 20bpm in 4 months!) and the sleep monitor which again I wouldn't say is overly accurate but it feels more accurate than the steps!
Just another dash in to say hello, cough still with me, just wont go even after a 3 day rest. Have a very short week this week as it was bank holiday and I have Friday and next Monday off for baby christening. will hold tight till Friday and head to doctor if still coughing then. Just wore out and getting short of breath if I exert myself in any way.
Good job its a short week as it will be CRAZY at work today and tomorrow.
Ah sorry tipp, it does really seem to be dragging on you poor thing. It makes you miserable after a while doesn't it. Glad you have a short week, I bet you can't wait for the long weekend. I hope you're feeling much better soon :)
Thanks Clareel, morning again all. Havent had a great night, body seems to have hit that magic number were it goes into panic mode. I haven't weighed in but suspect my BMI had gone over 35 again. When that happens my body kind off sends off warning signals where breathing and heart are affected and I get dizzy but also cant sleep, I suspect blood pressure is high. A few calm days here I rest and walk and eat well and sensibly are what can help but that wont happen this week. With the clocks changing its now dark when I get home from work and too dangerous to go out for a walk. Bust this morning and lunchtime but will try to get out tomorrow.
Lunch packed for work, or was packed, A homemade meal I had frozen and took out this morning, vegan sausage stew with broccoli and baked potato, however I dropped it and the plastic box smashed, leaving it to defrost a teeny bit and hopefully can transfer it then to another one.
Oh gosh you poor thing, sounds like you need some serious R&R!

And snap on dropping dishes, I let a glass one slip this morning - cabbage all over the floor...:classic_roll_eyes: - hope you got your lunch sorted ok x