Well i didnt quite make it through today with halo still intact. I actually tried to call out to you all earlier but then a call came through at work and i never got to hit send. At 6pm i was exhausted and starving and still at work. It was the most frustrating day at work ever. Vegan sausage casserole was thr plan for dinner but it became oven chips with butterbran dip, soda bread toasted with avocado and a poached egg. Not exactly sinful food but not on plan and that egg tasted so wonderful. It was followed by 1 glass of red wine and 1 small danish cookie and then i fell asleep watching diehard 5. In bed now and hope i can sleep again.
Legs and feet bad again, tried wesring regular shoes and not a good idea. Think it msy be fallen arches so will get insoles sorted at weekend, hopefully thay will fix it.