Tipperary will rock 2025

Oh Tipp that meal sounds fine, 1 egg won't do any harm. Best of luck for a loss tomorrow, you deserve it!
Thanks, just in from work and having a sweet potato burger and some dhal. Stayed on plan today even with a party at work, i had 4 pringles when everyone else had came. Then i was given 3 wrapped chocolates to have while on overtime and as each hour psssed i put inr aside saying resisting it was an extra sip of friday night winei could have.
I wore good boots today snd found tney gave good foot and ankle support so mau jave helped a little
Weigh in in the morning, i know ive lost weight since lsst official weigh in but would lime to finish the week with snother loss... Every day has been a little bit and dont want to end with an increase day.

I must take some photos but i have three new outfits never worn that id like to wear this season. One is tne skirt size 14 i bought thinking it was elasticated and wasnt and doesnt close. One is a spring Desigual dress bought about 2 years ago in France. Its is a silk shirt waster dress and i need smaller upper arms and an identifiable waist for it. Thr third also Desigual a winter woollen tunic dress just bougjt in Paris before xmas, it fits but im too roundy for it do again need to find a wsist. I also havr a 4th bought summer 2017 but didnt have the weather for it on holidays, its a beach or poolside dress long with plunging neckline and thigh high split in light t shirt material... Need to shift a lot to fit that.
Best of luck for WI this morning, it's good to have some goal clothes to fit into :classic_big_grin:
YES i did it, i lost 1.2kg this week and got my BMI to just under 36. And ended the week with a 200g loss this morning. Yel, im happy with that.
Had a jiggle this morning as not enough time for a walk. A manager is doing a mock interview with me so need to be on time.
Plan for lunch is to walk to the local deli and have soup and a veg wrap.
Then finish at 5 tonight and have some shopping to do and then not sure about dinner. Maybe a takeaway or the pub. I need something relaxing after a busy week.
Takeaway it is, fish and chips. And stayed on plan all day and will break now with fish and wine.
Absolutely brilliant loss tipp, well done! Well deserved fish & chips and wine last night, hope you have a good weekend :classic_big_grin:
NO no no , just lost my post.
So Friday was going OK, good all day and had the fish and chips, only half, and two glasses of wine and fell asleep. Then husband came home and woke me and I had the rest of the bottle of wine and two doorstop slices of bread with slices of butter and two chocolate biscuits. And biggest mistake put on BBC4 and stayed up all hours singing to old TOTP. Found myself asleep on the couch at 6,30am and went to bed,,,but didn't sleep.
Stayed close to on plan yesterday but had a poached egg for breakfast and two chocolate biscuits before bed. Just a very short walk with Oscar but spent most of the day bust with housework including finally taking down the large Christmas tree. And spent the day with a bad headache of course but stayed pretty good with food considering.
Have a bad pain in my side which I thought was indigestion but think I have identified as my spleen. It does happen if I drink so I suppose that's a major warning sign if I needed one.
Mock interview went well, in fact they advised me to apply for promotion straight away (not sure if I want to but nice to know), my biggest worry now is what clothes will fit me and second concern is getting to Dublin city centre for 9am.
Havent had breakfast yet but thinking of going for a short walk first and then a porridge smoothie. Then I have half homemade vegan pizza and celeriac soup for lunch.
Oh and forgot to say weighed in and 300g up on Fridays weight, again lesson learnt...slow down the off plan celebrations
Thanks Tess, I'm trying for weekdays vegan, sugar free and alcohol free. So far the sugar free has been the easiest part. Im not a fan of meat anyway but any meat I did eat was processed so leaving that aside is a good thing. But I was eating a lot of eggs, cheese and butter and my cholesterol numbers haven't been good so keeping them just for treats rather than every meal or every day
Thanks Susie, i havent had any meat at l since 2nd Jan...i just ate too much on Friday and had too much wine.

Just been to Iceland and Aldi, restocked with pears, flaxseed and cacoa. I ran out of cacoa and was using ginger and found it too sweet. I like the bitterness of the cacoa.

Two more auberginrs in the ovenbaking to make puree. Lunch now the rest of the pizza, two onion rings, grated carrot and rocket
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Looks like you have got straight back on track, well done!