So you havent seen me much lately. The after effect of my uncles death kind of has a ripple effect. Mam is still in hospital but had a relapse with the news, was due to come home but postponed a few weeks, shes in 7 weeks now. Anyway with the stress probably of Mam Dad had another stoke this weekend. Spent the weekend in A&E and finally got him admitted, he is now in same high dependency ward as Mam.
What a weekend, and tomorrow darling husband has an MRI of his heart.
So, im exhausted, im emotional, im confused and just about ticking over at work. My legs are swollen from lack of walking and too much driving. My chest is tight, id say as much from stress as being unfit.
I did get out for a slow walk last night and brought husband. And i slept properly. Im a bit late to be setting off but having breakfast smoothie and have spinach soup made for lunch and some veggie meatballs with chilli beans and rice.
I do need to do some shopping but dont think it will be this evening, i need to put in a long day at work today.
Talk again.