Dont make me jealous Susie, i want to hear the sea.
Its Monday and ive achieved nothing all week. Nothing weight wise, nothing work, nothing at home. Im just going from work to home, resting and going back to work. Our boss is back after a summer off and decided to shake things up. Including reducing our staff and increasing our timetable. I just cant seem to carch up with myself.
I also take son in law to work, babies to creche and then daughter to work. It means im stuck with everyone elses timetable and get no break from it.
Food went dowhill, i seemed to spend a lot of time eating peanut butter on toast and chocolate. No exercise at all, the car to the office only. And this week i have the staff car park so no walk at all. Hip just wants to rest.
But, im ready to get properly started again today. Breakfast and lunch packed for work.
Oh, and today is the day i decorate my desk for halloween. My lazy weekend gave me some sewing time and i made some felt zombie skulls