Tuesday morning and just waking up. Yesterday was an exhausting day, my first day of "unemployment" in 3 years. Most people would have a lie in, not me. I was up at 6.30am making Christmas cushions. On Sunday i cleaned the sitting room in preparation for the xmas tree. And when i looked around felt the colours where too spring like so checked what fabric i had a decided a new cushion cover would do it. Now i have 6 red and green cushion covers. I then went ahead and pulled out the tree and put it and the sitting room decorations up. I also did the stairs. Bl00dy exhausted after that, it took most of the day. I didnt get to go out for a walk but was active all day.
Food was ok-ish. Soup n crackers n ham. A burger n cheese n avocado. I did have 5 small lotus biscuits through the day and 4 squares chocolate. About 6 mugs herbal tea and no wine. Diary updated.
Another long day today of housework, i still have 2 more trees to put up and rooms to decorate, yep I LOVE Christmas. One tree is a massive 12feet tall and so difficult to do and i cant do it, not even with a ladder. SonI am hoping if i have everything else done then a combination of husband, son and son in law will get it done over the weekend for me.
It sounds like its very windy out, its still dark so cant quite see yet, talk later.