@Mary2020 Calories, I have no idea I don't count calories. But I would say plenty as a good bit of fat in there. The lightheadedness I thought was due I'd say to not sleeping and the food was a just in case. I actually felt much better after swimming and think it was more due to having been very inactive and blood just not circulating properly, it happens an odd time.
@ChilliQueen thanks for the recommendation, I had a look at the Mila bra and it seemed to be quite narrow at the back. Some of the others looked good but without recommendations online so am wary. I might try the Mila one, the price is good. But first I think I will make an appointment with M&S and see what they have to offer. It means a day away though. I will wait till I have the dress I am looking at first and take it with me.
My problem now is I am putting things on hold "until I'm a smaller size"
. I need new bras, I'm wearing the same loose baggy three with no shape or underwire, they do nothing for me. They are comfortable and are fine under baggy clothing but I wouldn't wear anything in any way fitted over them, not even a t shirt.
Anyway, onto how my day went. Well I'm awake at silly o clock cos I woke up at 3.30am to use the bathroom and can't go back asleep as it's bright out. So have been tossing and turning. I managed 2.25L water yesterday, I just couldn't gulp anymore down before bed. I had 2 cracottes with butter at 11am, I was just nibbly and wanted something with tea. Swam 20 lengths and walked 2 ( the walking is a sort of cool down) at lunchtime. Then after 2 I had 5 fish fingers and green beans with garlic butter. I didn't get to finish the beans though as the phone kept ringing. Dinner was after 7 was a one egg omelette (it's all we had) with cheese and chorizo, deep fried aubergine and the beans I didn't eat at lunch. I had a square of dark chocolate and the one glass of red wine in the garden. I was in bed and asleep by 10:30pm.
I've taken some home made chicken liver pate out of the freezer and plan on that for lunch today with some cracottes. I've have cucumber and coleslaw too. No idea about dinner. I've a committee meeting after work and then have to shop so it will be after 8 before I'm home, very late for me to eat. I'm thinking maybe some nice sausages and mashed avocado, or if I'm lazy ham instead of sausages.
That's all for now, I will be having a sneaky weigh in when it's proper get up time and hoping for a good number, I need a proper loss this week, talk later