Sally Morrison
Full Member
This is definately TMI but I had to share for the comedy value my sister got from this, she said post it!
Just had a lovely weekend visiting my parents with DD and DH, My mum is a fab cook but for some reason since my birth I'm so sensitive to some foods, I get awful reflux and indigestion with anything with a tomato sauce or spices and my mum often cooks food like that being half Italian.
We came home sunday evening and I still had horrid heart burn.
I had "borrowed" a bottle of Milk of Magnesia from my mum, she just said sip on it.. well Sunday evening i sipped and it did help but yesterday I had the same lingering problem again so I took a big couple of glugs yesterday evening, not thinking an indigestion remedy would do anything but cure indigestion! didn't read the label properly either!!
Well the indigestion had gone!! but ..
Lying on the sofa late last night with DH in my pj's watching a movie and started to get those real bubble guts like really bad gas, DH is teasing about me needing to releive the pressure and in almost defiance I let rip... well what followed was not what I expected!!!
I immediately realised, but all too late that things were not quite right in the derriere department!!! LOL Thank heavens I was lying on my side.. because panties, pj shorts and long vest top were no barrier!!! OMG how EMBARRASSING, my DH is like "did you just?? " and I'm red in the face thinking how do I get off the sofa!! OMG..LOL
I have not heard the last of his teasing I'm sure, and I still have a very loose bum!
Good thing I can laugh! Beware Milk of Magnesia!!!!
Just had a lovely weekend visiting my parents with DD and DH, My mum is a fab cook but for some reason since my birth I'm so sensitive to some foods, I get awful reflux and indigestion with anything with a tomato sauce or spices and my mum often cooks food like that being half Italian.
We came home sunday evening and I still had horrid heart burn.
I had "borrowed" a bottle of Milk of Magnesia from my mum, she just said sip on it.. well Sunday evening i sipped and it did help but yesterday I had the same lingering problem again so I took a big couple of glugs yesterday evening, not thinking an indigestion remedy would do anything but cure indigestion! didn't read the label properly either!!
Well the indigestion had gone!! but ..
Lying on the sofa late last night with DH in my pj's watching a movie and started to get those real bubble guts like really bad gas, DH is teasing about me needing to releive the pressure and in almost defiance I let rip... well what followed was not what I expected!!!

I immediately realised, but all too late that things were not quite right in the derriere department!!! LOL Thank heavens I was lying on my side.. because panties, pj shorts and long vest top were no barrier!!! OMG how EMBARRASSING, my DH is like "did you just?? " and I'm red in the face thinking how do I get off the sofa!! OMG..LOL

I have not heard the last of his teasing I'm sure, and I still have a very loose bum!
Good thing I can laugh! Beware Milk of Magnesia!!!!