To buy or not to buy...Guinea pig/s

I had an albino guinea pig when I was younger. He was the runt of a litter and was given to us for free as he wasn't really sellable! Poor thing! He was a great pet though - taught my sister and I about responsibility and was a great companion. Ours was a bit of a poorly one though and (probably because of being albino) he had constant skin problems and went bald for a while too (was not a pretty sight!!). He was well loved and well cared for though and lived to the ripe old age of 7 so it may end up being a long term commitment for you! He died on Christmas Eve one year when I was about 13 and I was devastated :( Would love another one but we're thinking of getting a dog in the future, yay!
I know, when little ones a bit older I might see if I can get him on side to try and convince him. The real shame is if we got some, I think he'd really change his mind and would love them. I think he see's them as something that just sits in a cage and doesn't interact with you at all... don't think I'd convince him otherwise until he saw it for himself... although maybe its a good thing that we can't have them as I wouldn't want to keep them outside and there's nowhere in our house to keep them
Lovely, but remember, they are only free if you take the skin off before you cook them.
We have had hamsters, gerbils and now have a guinea pig and she is the best thing we have ever had and wish we had had them years ago. She sits on my shoulder and watches the tele with us. We did have two but one died and have thought of getting another one to keep her company. They do have really good hearing cos when I open the fridge she squeaks and if I am cutting something in the kitchen she squeaks but it is really lovely. Get two girls and you wont regret it.