To whom it may concern

Yes I have also had to endure some nurses from hell including some who seem to take pleasure in being obstructive and unpleasant - not just to patients but also to other professionals too. I don't see the point as surely it's counter productive to rub people up the wrong way and have stressed and unhappy patients?? - such a lovely change to come across one who actually makes an extra effort to put people at ease. So glad you are enjoying it meg!!

agree with the others - you must make sure your ex pays up - he put himself in this situation so now he should suck it up and live with it. It's great that you are supporting yourself but he should help support your son and i think you are being incredibly generous only asking for £100 a month ( i personally would take him for every penny but then i am a complete b**ch when rubbed up the wrong way :-D ) stay strong and dont back down missus xxx
Just getting ready to go in for an afternoon shift!! But I have the weekend off!! Just had a bowl of rocket, with chicken and mayo yum yum!! Should do me until home later tonight. Will take some cheese incase x
Just getting ready to go in for an afternoon shift!! But I have the weekend off!! Just had a bowl of rocket, with chicken and mayo yum yum!! Should do me until home later tonight. Will take some cheese incase x

Great to plan ahead - saves getting caught out, which is often the main problem with low carb.
I loved it!!! It was nice making people smile x I think there is a massive downer on the NHS and nasty nurses (sadly I know they are out there I have worked with a few) but I try really hard to put people at ease, and that makes my job so much more enjoyable!!! X it was great and feel so energised! Just polished of a plate of courgettes cooked in butter with a few tomatoes and a topping of cheese yummy x can't wait for my next shift tomorrow x

Sounds like your in the perfect job for you Meg. The NHS does get a bad rap but not from me. I grew up in America where you can also get nasty nurses and pay through the nose to boot! I couldn't believe it when I found out health care was free here. I've had good and bad experiences in both better to have a free nasty nurse than one that charges hundreds of dollars. 90% of my experiences over here have been great. :)
Hi Meg, hope you enjoyed your weekend off:)
Sorry I have been AWOL!! The house is mine!! I signed Monday and yesterday I picked the keys up!! So today I have with my poor dad moved a lot of furniture in, there is loads to still do, but me and my son are now comfy in our home x we only have clothes for tomorrow, but I have tomorrow off to move in lots more, such as clothes, personal things, kitchen stuff etc etc x here is a pic of jack!! Think he may have settled in already!!!! Our living room is semi sorted and we have beds to sleep in x another mad day of moving tomorrow x I have lost a further 6lbs and work is amazing!! It will be nice to be settled it may take a few weeks, but I will get there x


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Fabulous meg!! So pleased for you - and another six pounds off too - that's amazing! Xx
Hey living room looks fab, and jack is cute x. Congrats on your new place xx.
Ooooooooo looking lovely!!! I never you knew you had Jack, this is my brothers lovely girl piglet.....


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Thank you x it may not have been stuff I would pick , but it's liveable and I can do a room at a time x x funny enough I have decided to do Dylan's room first!! X mind I have no tv or Internet until tomorrow!! Sky man arriving then, was laughing telling my son welcome to my childhood! X just need a few of my belongs in to make it feel more me!! X I have all my bedroom stuff being delivered in 3 weeks, so I am in what will be the spare room for now! It's the only bedroom with carpet and it's yuck!!! Being a bit anal about wearing flipflops in there!!
Oh my god I love piglet!! X we have not long had Jack, he picked us when we went to visit the rescue centre about a month ago! But it's like he was destined to be our dog, he is the most sweet natured loving mutt I know x mind the whole idea was a walking buddy, but I can out walk jack and that's saying something x
I'm very surprised you found Jack in a rescue centre!!! Must have been fate!! Piglet is my brothers third bulldog, we love them!! I wanted one but couldn't strength to the 1500 price tag so have a little minature schnauzer instead!! My niece loves Piglet ( hence the name) absolutely best friends!!!


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Poor jack was left there as the poor family that had him the father lost his job, they had to cancel his pet insurance and he got ill, he had a cancerous lump on his back, the owners so I am told had no option but to give him up, luckily a charity paid for him to have the operation and he is now fighting fit!! I have him insured but due to his previous history they won't insure him for medical conditions!! Only accidents x so every month I give jack £50 pocket money into a savings account so hopefully if he has another problem it will solve x mind if there was not enough I would get the money sorted x he is very much part of the family x even his snoring is super cute!! X
Loving the pic x and so can see she is like jack!! I think he sleeps 20 hours a day! X when I go to work I take him to my parents, they have a female basset hound! She is a lovely nightmare, but her and jack are best friends x and so comical together x
Congratulations on the house move and losing 6lb, awesome! Front room looks lovely and a happy place :)
Ahhhhhh poor Jack, what a lovely life he has with you now!!! I do love a bulldog snore..... It's somewhat relaxing!!! Xx