Today is a new day... Part 2

I have no doubt you'll get fab results on the scales on Saturday!
I really really hope so ladies, I'm trying sooooo hard this week!!

Left my phone at work today :( Thankfully bf wasn't due to phone today but still feel like I'm missing my left arm. And the battery on my laptop is off to die, so this is a quickie!!

Today, another SE day... I'm finding them a lot like green days for me... Not really eating carbs or meat much at all. Still enjoying it, but feel like I want to plan a big pasta type meal for Saturday to celebrate a loss fingers crossed!!

B - toast (heb &2) fried egg, banana, pear
L - lentil soup, carrots, peppers, dip (1), clementine
T - didn't want another big salad or loads of veg tonight so I did I had dessert first - big fruit salad - pineapple, apple, pear, clementine, grapes, ff yog, followed by baked beans and cheese (hea) on toast (heb &2)

5 syns so far, going to have a few crisps before bed, so probably another 4 syns - have been quite good at having up to about 10 each day so hoping it all makes a difference!!

Single figures tomorrow!!! :heartpump:
Single figures!!! Delighted to see this when I got my phone back this morning!! xx

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Single figures!!! Delighted to see this when I got my phone back this morning!! xx Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Brilliant :D aww and by the time your man gets homes I'll only have 15 days left until due date :D
OMG OMG OMG If I couldn't be any more excited...

We got Cyprus!!!

Bf phoned about an hour ago, started off all cagey but quickly came clean!! He got a call from the powers that be today asking if he still wanted a posting to Cyprus. He said, yes, absolutely, most definitely, biting your hand off type stuff.

And he spent the day discussing it with everyone at work, telling them he wanted to keep it a secret from me to tell me in NYC. They convinced him for about a millisecond that he could keep it from me. Apparently as soon as I answered the phone it was game over!!

So, we are moving to Cyprus on August 18th... Before then, we have a lot to do, including...

Getting Married
:heartpump: :heartpump:

Although I haven't had a great proposal, yet, we are getting married!!!! I'm hoping he'll come good on the proposal in NYC.

So much to think about, where the heck do I start planning a little wedding, with not much money and family in every corner of GB??!!

So blimmin glad he's back in a week, think I'd burst if I had to keep all this going on my own for long!!!

I facetimed my parents to tell them, my Mum was super excited, my Dad wants to come to Cyprus with us. But as yet, I haven't told anyone else... Want to tell everyone else when bf is back so we can tell everyone together.

In other news, SE is going great this week, however I'm not sure I'll be getting any hea or heb tomorrow, my stocks of bread and milk are super low!!

Nevermind, I'll make do with what I have, I've got a wedding to save for ;)

Today's food:

B - porridge (hea&b), banana, strawberries, blueberries
L - egg salad (salad leaves, cucumber, tomato, pepper, beetroot, spring onion, pickled onion, mayo (2)
T - leftover risotto (from the weekend) brocolli, mangetout, baby corn, toast (1/2 heb &1)

Off to squeal to myself a little more!!!! xxx
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OMG!! This is fantastic news, how are you going to sleep tonight?! :D

The next few months are going to be amazing and a whirlwind for you, enjoy every single minute!

See, that is the beauty of us having men who work overseas - we never know where we're going to end up!

When are you going to tell everyone? Bet you are bursting to spill!

Excited for you xxxx
OMG!! Is that the news you were keeping from us?? Congratulations on the upcoming nuptials!! Xx
Thank you, I am soo excited!!!

Yeh that was the big secret but it was a real turnaround because bf didn't actually get the post he originally applied for so we weren't aware he was in the running right now.

It's only been a few hours but my head is absolutely spinning, haven't seen my boy this year yet but the rest of it is shaping up to be the best of our lives!!!


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Oh Laura!!!

I don't know what to say.
This is incredible. I could cry!!!
Ohhh congratulations, really really many congratulations!!! And he's home in 8 days too!!!
So much love for you both right now!! At long last you can be together. 5 Months and 4 days you'll be a newlywed in sunny Cyprus!
Thanks Girls

As you can imagine, I am almost beside myself!!

But trying to act like nothing is going on at work lol. As soon as she saw me, my boss thought something was up... Haven't told her yet tho, she's stressed out enough as it is!! She knows we have been applying for Cyprus tho so it won't come as a surprise when I do tell her!!

I can't wait to be able to tell everyone properly, but I want a ring first ;) We won't be able to have the big wedding we would both like, but hopefully we can still arrange something really nice for the two of us and our close family... And maybe a big party to follow to celebrate with our friends ;)

One of my good friends got engaged on Valentine's and has turned wedding crazy, her wedding isn't for another 18 months but she's practically organised the whole thing already. That's really not my style tho, I want something quick and simple... And I want to be 8.5 stone in a gorgeous dress ;) is that a target I spy??!! xxx
More lunches like this methinks ;)

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Today's food has been tasty, struggled for healthy extras tho, my only hea was a splash of milk in a tea... Shopping tomoro tho so I'll stock up again.

Last day of Success Express I think, hopefully it will pay off at WI:

B - pineapple, blueberries, strawberries, banana, pear, ff yog
L - salad - same as yesterday (boiled egg, salad leaves, tomato, cucumber, pepper, spring onion, pickled onion, beetroot, mayo (2)
Hot chocolate (2)
T - turkey stir fry, noodles, carrots, brocolli, spring onion, peppers, mangetout, stock, soy sauce
cereal bar (1/2 heb)
chocolate bar (8)

Made good use of my syns today, * week has arrived 2 days early which has perturbed me slightly... Think it's that that's caused the chocolate craving!!

TFI the weekend... I need to clean my house top to bottom, and get my suitcase out :D :D :D xxx
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Thanks Penny, we are both really excited for the future, makes these last 4 months almost worth it!!

And I got the loss I feel I deserved at WI - 2.5lb off!!! Success Express works, official!

My consultant was soo pleased for me too, everyone in the class was tbh, they know how hard I've been trying and not getting the results for weeks, so I was sooo thankful today. But my C is leaving after next week :( I've a feeling our group is going to close soon, not enough going. Saturday suits me perfectly tho, and apparently the only evening group I could go to is really busy and image therapy takes about 2 hours. Not keen on that on an evening after working all day and before I get my tea!!

1.5lb to go to target and I am bloody determined to get it next week before my hols! I really want a big bowl of pasta today so I'm going to make bolognese and have an EE day today, then back on the success express wagon either tomorrow or Monday with as much focus as the last week.

Bfs Mum just phoned. He hasn't told her about us moving to Cyprus and getting married yet. I feel guilty keeping it from her, but I know how much he really wants to tell her himself. He is going to phone her today at some point so I expect another phonecall from her later in the day!!

Didn't sleep well last night at all, was wide awake from about half 3 til 6... Listened to a couple of episodes of Desert Island Discs (Ant & Dec and Miranda) then Bombay Bicycle Club and Pharell's albums before dozing til about 7... I knew that if I fell back to sleep then I'd struggle to get up for WI so I got up then.

Feel wrecked now tho, gonna have a doze on the couch I think...

Well this is going to be a looooong week, bf has phoned twice today all excited bless him. And he's got me so hyped up I've totally lost my appetite... Not sure that's a good thing, I'll have to try and eat better tomorrow.

Feeling tired now tho, since I had a rubbish sleep last night. How soon can I go to bed??!! xx

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Well this is going to be a looooong week, bf has phoned twice today all excited bless him. And he's got me so hyped up I've totally lost my appetite... Not sure that's a good thing, I'll have to try and eat better tomorrow. Feeling tired now tho, since I had a rubbish sleep last night. How soon can I go to bed??!! xx Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

The sooner you go to bed the sooner it's only 6 days till he's home ;) xx
Lol if only that made it easier to sleep... Had to try to hypnotise myself to sleep last night and when I awoke at half 3 again I had to force myself to lie still and not awaken any more. I did eventually get back to sleep after an hour or so but here I am wide awake again!!

Never mind, lots to do today, bathroom to clean, car to clean and Hoover if it's dry... Oh the excitement!!

Then I'm going to get my suitcase out and plan what clothes I'm taking on holiday!!


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Hello Laura, so this is where you are hiding these days, I was just sorting out and deleting some old subscribed threads and I saw it has been a long long time since you updated your original one - then I found this one, I've only looked at your last few postings but I'll get around to reading the rest sometime. Congratulations on the Cyprus posting and your forthcoming wedding, fantastic news! :) xx

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