A new challenge ... excellent

I'm aiming for a nice round 8lb for September. That will get me my 2.5 stone shiny as well.:cross:
Here's to being able to start October weighing less than I have in 10 years:bliss:
AgingRockChick - (0lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
bugsbunny2000 - (0lbs lost - 11lbs to go)
Dannilion - (0lbs lost - 5lbs to go)
dd82 - (0lbs lost - 7lbs to go)
first timer - (0lbs lost - 7lbs to go)
GrannieAnnie - (0lbs lost - 7lbs to go)
holiday dieter - (0lb lost - 14lbs to go)
ILoveCake (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
jo-85 - (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
Katoof - (0lbs - 8lbs to go)
Kellyhellen - (0lbs lost - 7 to go)
Kerry2285 - (0lbs lost - 4lbs to go)
Ladyantionette - (0lbs lost - 7-8lbs to go)
laurenmXD - (0lbs lost - 7lbs to go)
leah717 - (0lbs lost - 9lbs to go)
LessofLou - (0lb lost - 14lbs to go)
little bubblez- (0lb lost - 11lb to go)
littlemeercat - (0lb lost - 11lbs to go)
lsf666 - (0lb lost - 7.5lbs to go)
MiniBean - (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Miss D (0lb lost -8lb to go)
Mr White - (0lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
Parfittarole (0lbs lost - 6lbs to go)
Ria 2011 - no goal set
rozybaby85 - (0lb lost - 8lbs to go)
Sassia - (0lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
Shellywelly68 - (0lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
Sparkledpixie - (0lbs lost - 11lbs to go)
tinkerbellsmum-(0lbs lost - 7lbs to go)
xpander76 - no goal set