TooFatKats diary of desperation ..(and hope)

That's how I was 12 months ago . I spent 18 months battling the same 1/2 stone. It's no fun watching people around you lose weight and you know you're doing nothing wrong. So I left SW got my head where I wanted it. Put a done back on in the process and then went to see the doc. Lost the stone started xen then went back to SW cos I know it works for me and now I'm doing ok again. Slow progress one pound at a time but I know that without the xen I'd be doing the same as before 1/2 on 1/2 off and going round in circles.
Do keep going don't get down hearted . Look how far you've come.
We will best this xx :)

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Weigh in at SW tomorrow. Hope I can keep my roll of 1 lb a week going. I've just come to the end of TOTM though so may well be heavier. I managed to show a loss last week then it appeared . I often put on 2-3 lb during TOTM so I'm hoping to have dodged the weight gain

Try and be good and drink a lot of water

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I have wi tonight the scales are gonna punish me I'm sure :( xx
You'll be fine. Let us know though.

Well yesterday I went shopping for a new pair of size 16 jeans :) :)

Now disappointingly they didn't quite fit but my 18's which I only bought in the summer are too big and I can put them on and off without undoing them :)

So my Christmas goal is to be in the size 16 ones by Christmas. Should be doable as I think it should only be about 5-6 lbs worth . :)

It will also be the smallest I have been since 1994 :( :)

Which when you look at it like that is also very sad that I've not been able to reclaim my life before now.

After I get back from my weigh in at SW I am spending the afternoon sorting through my clothes and getting rid of anything that is too big etc etc. It will be therapeutic if nothing else.

I'll see you all later

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That is good to hear! It's nice to go down a size.. But so annoying when you have only gone down half a size :) my trousers didn't even have belt loops to keep them up lol

I'm sure you will fit a size 16 very soon!
Only lost 1/2 lb today . Very sad but it is TOTM :(

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Just had the major clothes sort out I've been promising myself for ages. I've tried everything on as I went and I'm actually back int size 16 skirts it's just the jeans that I'm not quite there on :)

So if anyone wants a miscellaneous bag of size 18 with dome 20's you're welcome to them

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Trying to decide if I should become a herbalife distributor...

I use it for my breakfast as does my daughter. A tub of shake cost £27.60 plus postage and last about a month just for breakfast.

Its a good breakfast choice for me as I dont need to start thinking about food till nearly lunchtime so haven't started the chewing motion :) so psychologically I then eat less. Stupid i know :)

If I became a distributor it would cost me £91.00 but then I get 25% discount which means I get each tub for £20.

I wouldn't try and get friends to buy or become distributors but would sell it on eBay as others do.

I wouldn't need to hold stock as it's all sent out from the warehouse.

It's a good choice nutritionally as it is perfectly and correctly balanced. It can be used to lose weight by replacing 2 meals a day with it . Plus choc bars as well or can be used in addition to meals to build up bodies/strength etc.

It's a good idea so why am I hesitating???


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Right now I feel ecstatic. I have realised once again that my journey to slimdom, although slow is worth it.
Ive just done my bi-monthly measurements and thought I would post them for you all.

I started this long journey on 25th February 2009. my measurements then were 19 stone 3lb. I now weigh 14 stone 11.5 lb. A total weight loss of 4 stone 5.5 lb:angel09:

Measurements then
Bust - 48
Waist - 42.5
Stomach - 54.5
Hips - 55.5
Top of right thigh - 32
Bottom of right thigh - 24
calf - 16.5
Top of right arm - 17

and today​

Bust - 42
waist - 35
stomach - 47
hips - 48
top of right thigh - 26.5
bottom of right thigh - 21
calf - 14
top of right arm - 14​
A grand total loss of 42 inches!!!

So come on girls, keep going. We can do it. however slowly.​
That is an amazing achievement!!! You should be very proud of yourself!!

How long have you been using Xen for?
Ive been on Xen since the beginning of May. It got me going again. I know my weight loss is slow and Id got to the stage at Sw where I would go up 1/2 lb lose 1 lb and so on backwards, forwards and going nowhere. so it keeps me going downwards
I'm just pondering on whether or not I should try a week just on SW after my next weigh in next Tuesday just to see how I get on. Thought I might try it while I can still get the prescription before they decide to stop me cold turkey

Had anyone else tried it?

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I'm still lying in bed this morning with my second cup of tea from my wonderful hubby there's no kids in the house and I feel so good this morning :)

I feel proud of myself, relaxed, thinner and very pleased with yesterday's measuring results. :)

It's given me the mental boost I needed to plod on .

I wonder what today will bring ? I've got lunch with a friend I dont see very often and I will be as good as I can then we are having a penniless mooch around our local downtown shopping place.
I've had an expensive month but it will be good to catch up and chat.

Anyway, enough of my mindless ramblings, have a great day everyone . Eat well- lose weight :)

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I'm just pondering on whether or not I should try a week just on SW after my next weigh in next Tuesday just to see how I get on. Thought I might try it while I can still get the prescription before they decide to stop me cold turkey

Had anyone else tried it?

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I have done SW in the past & WW but not while on Xen, I personally did better on WW than SW but I have friends who have done amazingly on SW, my boss is currently on it & even though she falls off the wagon every weekend she is still losing steadily..... Whatever you decide we will be here to support you.... xx
I was just thinking I want to try it before I have to just to make sure I can still do this without xen. It would mean that I would have to focus on eating SW properly though.

On another note we went to watch lion king yesterday and had a late lunch at table table on the way home. Before I went I was convinced I could find something to eat. I was wrong!!! Even the salads were high fat! I couldn't even say 'dressing on the side please'

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