Not such a fat kat now :)
Waking up in a 4 poster bed looking out over my terrace to an amazing view of Sid Valley
its wonderful
last night when we got back from dinner which was a Chinese and I didn't do too badly I think. There was a beautiful flower arrangement and champagne in our room .
so naturally we ate going to be drinking it 
Today, so far I'm not sure what we're doing as the weather reports aren't great but I don't care. For dinner though we have a table booked at River Cottage restaurant for our anniversary meal.
I can't wait. It's going to be the only meal where I'm eating what I fancy.
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Today, so far I'm not sure what we're doing as the weather reports aren't great but I don't care. For dinner though we have a table booked at River Cottage restaurant for our anniversary meal.
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