Toot Toot... The Exante Wagon Driver.

I'm on for the week :D
Who's driving ?
Are you back in the driving seat Margie?
Are you back in the driving seat Margie?

Errrrm... I was :eek:
But some cheese made me pull on the handbrake :eek:.
But I am still here :D, and will be trying again tomorrow :D
cheese is sort of OK in moderation. won't knock you out of K xx
cheese is sort of OK in moderation. won't knock you out of K xx

I know ..... but day 1, I'm not in ketosis yet :eek:
Tomorrow I will try harder :)
:D no damage done then, see you on the bus tomorrow xx
Indeedy :D
Got on the bus (day 1) and was good all day then being cold made me eat ??. Not upset, am pleased I tried a bar in the morn n soup for lunch. Not bad lol. Tomorrow is another day ? x x

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On again today :)
I'm a bit cold this morning, so I think my liquid intake will be very tea orientated :)
Good morning Marge, lovely sunny day in West Wales. xx
cybill said:
2 shakes down so far today, going well. Drinking lots of hot water to stay warm! Off to the library now, so there shouldn't be any food temptations there either :)

Good going hun, keep at it xx
cybill said:
Yay, day 2 done... can I stay on the bus through day 3?! :)

Yep coz you've got "no choice" lol xxx
You can do it Ali. Focus on what you want to achieve, how it's going to feel. It's all worth it.

And Claire... I think I may be using too many post it notes at home (covered with no choice etc!) My little one started sticking them on her dress yesterday too - one that said 'Don't eat me'... it's OK little one, Mummy won't eat you!