Top Tips for Dukan

Any tips for making the oat bran galette. Today is my first day on the diet and I had my first attempt at making the galette this morning it didn't go very well. 1st one went in the bin after it stuck to the pan horribly so I dug out another pan and when trying to turn my second one over it had stuck (not as bad as the first one) and it broke into bits. I guess it still tastes and does the same thing but would appreciate some tips of how to make the perfect galette.
if you check the FAQ sticky thread there is a link on how to make the perfect gallette
love love love the fridge raiders idea (dukanette) and the small cool bag (flirtygreeneyes)- i'll be using these plans.

Im a newbie btw- started Dukan today on the attack phase and suprisingly, i feel great- not hungry at all but pleasantly full. I made some oat bran cookies today which were a nice way to get the oat bran in but a bit dull in taste. Any suggestions ladies?

Careful! Fridge raiders full of hidden nasties, really not recommended! Only if you're in really really dire straits!
Skimmed milk unlimited in attack, thereafter 250ml per day. Sweetener ok at all times, but try not to overdo them.

Seconded re the fridge raiders - really not a good idea at any time in Dukan. You could try Biltong though (cured dried meat) - very salty but nice in small doses when every one else is tucking into crisps! And very portable and don't need refrigerating.

Oatbran Cookies / crackers: try sweetened and flavoured with ground ginger or cinnamon. A few drops of vanillea help too. Or savoury with no sweetener but a tiny pinch of salt and some herbs - chives is nice or oregano, or finely chopped rosemary.
Hi, I thinking of starting Dukan next week i'm just waiting for my book to arrive. i was wondering if you can have flaxseed meal instead of oat bran as it is much healthier.
I've invested in a small cool bag ..... in which I can pack prawns, hard boiled eggs, chicken legs, frozen mullers .... looks like it's going to be a "picnic" summer for me!!!

