These are all good tips everyone
My tips would be:
1 - I havent found anyone that tries this before, only me! But what I do is on my weigh day, when i find out how much I've lost I put that amount in £'s in a jar (say i lose 2lbs, I put £2 in) if you put on 1lb you take £1 out! Then when you're at your goal weight you use the money to go and buy youself a lovely treat
Helped me a lot when i lost 4 stone originally coz i ended up with nearly £60 in there hehe
That's a GREAT one. I'm definitely going to try that! Thanks
my tips;
1. Eat slowly and carefully, some of us just devour our food without giving our bodies chance to recognise it's eaten anything. Use every meal as a chance to experience the tase and texture of your food.. instead of rushing into it.
2. If you have an exercise machine or two at home, pin pictures up of yourself on the wall in front of the machine.
The sight of yourself now, will egg you on to do the exercises.
I also pin pictures of toned, fit, healthy women on my wall below my picture to keep me inspired.
3. Before you shower everyday, take a long look in the mirror, naked. Our clothes are capable of distorting our body image, but when we're naked we can see all of our flaws and all of the good aspects of our body. One glimpse of any cellulite will make you want to stick at your routine. You will also notice changes in your body, and show progression.
4. If you're watching TV at night, make sure you get up and walk around or go upstairs during the breaks. I drink loads of water during the evening, so when I'm downstairs watching CSI, I always need to wee during the breaks

Keeps me moving and active, so I'm not slumping on the sofa the whole time.
5. Learn to cook. Cooking your own food from scratch is a great way of trying different flavours but keeping track of what ingredients are used. Not only that, but it will taste so much better if you've put in the effort to prepare it yourself.
6. Don't completely deprive yourself of treats. I use a Sunday as my 'slacking' day, where I can have a bar of Galaxy chocolate whilst watching Supernatural

and a few glasses of coke or lemonade. As I know that Monday I will be back to doing my normal routine.
7. Alternate your exercises every once in a while. Our bodies get used to doing an exercise after about 4 weeks or so, and doesn't respond as much... so try making your exercise more intense, or buy yourself a new exercise machine/piece of equipment.. or even a new exercise/fitness dvd!
8. When you're on holiday, and away from the gym don't forget that you're never too far from a pool, beach, or tourist attraction.
Use picture taking time as an excuse to have a long walk, do a few laps in the pool, or play lots of energetic games on the beach.
9. Use music to it's advantage! Put some energetic music on during your housework regime... it's always fun to dance whilst doing the dusting or the dishes!