Hey LW Ur s&s food sounds absolutely scrumious Sounds as if u Definately made d right decision to order them and I have to say I was amazed with how much u saved with p&p compared to Exante as I sure paid thro d teeth 4 P&p to Ireland!!! Not fair 2 b ripped off!!! D bars sound truly divine
Feel 4 u that Ur homesick and SO far away!!! Wow u certainly looked Amazin in dat weddin pic... D dress, Ur hair and make up... U sure r a very pretty princess!! Isn't dat SO nice re Ur bro findin love..... I always say ' TIs better to have loved once than never to have loved at all' as my oldest sis dat moved to d States is dating a Yank.... we r happy out 4 her!! So how is dat assignment comin along????
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Interesting! I'm not sure I'm even really in ketosis. Not like I was whilst following Atkins and all I did then was eat, butter fish meat cream sausage garlic mushroom, cheese onions mayo. I think I was in ketosis then and my loss was incredible! I'm pretty sure my loss on exante is solely down to the calorie deficit. xx
Hi good morning LW,
I completely agree with your thoughts on the diet. For me it served the purpose of giving me a boost at first. Hope your having a good day x
Yes indeed, it was also a short term thing for me too, hope you are having a lovely atkins day today xx
Okay LW I hadn't come across that .. Thanks for the info... But I'm still sure it's 100grams of carbs per day? And surely if it wasn't keto friendly it wouldn't put that on it's website anyway!? ... Maybe I have no idea... Lol I'm just picking up info from a variety of places... As long as I stick to plan I will lose weight and that's good enough for me!x
It's good so far, been feeling very full indeed after exante. Couldnt stomach breakfast as feeling so full from yesterday. You should have a read of the book even if you don't ever consider doing doing it (the diet I mean hehehe). It's a really interesting.