Gold Member
loolahoop said:thanks guysSW can be very impractical, and all the prep for meals can be a right pain in the arse! but do u have a day when you could cook up a load of meals, like chilli, spag bol etc and freeze them? then you would have to just bung em in the microwave when needed?
i do this sometimes, but not a lot as i just do not have the freezer room.
Lou, i really dont know what to say, my gut is telling me to say to you just dont do it! at 10st 5 do you REALLY need to go on a VCLD?
obviously its you complete personal choice, but u seem to be jumping from one diet to another and not really getting anywhere, i mean i know ur loosing weight, which obviously is the desired effect, but to me, it seems you should be foccussing on one diet plan and really give it a go? i may have it completely wrong, and of course what works for one does not mean will work for everyone.
SW for instance, 4lb in the 1st week, amazing!! then u kinda went a bit squiffy lol (couldnt think of a word!) u blame the word "free" for you eating too much of it, because it is labelled as "free" but that is really just an excuse is it not? because, lets face it, u know full well no food is free! it is all in your head, and if u were to concentrate on that food as "healthy" and "superhealthy" and base ur meals around those and eat only when ur hungry then u should be ok.
like i said completely personal choice, but if u were to follow a VLCD, loose the weight, great! then what? because ur feeling towards and about food will still be there, tbh if ur anything like me then they always will be, and something like SW does teach you to have a different relationship with food, which is where the "free" comes into it i think!
i just worry about you (haha the tables have turnedlol) as i know your body didnt seem to react to well to the JUDDD diet so im thinking you may have a similar experience with a VCLD? and with little ones to look after etc, and all ur working etc im worried you will make urself ill! if i remember rightly smiley was on a VLCD and he wasnt to do any other exercise as the diet provided basically just enough to survive? so what would happen to you with all ur running around?
what would eliminating food completely prove? that you dont need it?? coz well actually you do! lol u need the energy you need the nuritents! you just have to work out what it s that you dont need! you dont need high fat, high sugar crap, you dont need highly processed white crap! you need good, wholesome, nutritious food! if you are strict enough to cut food out completely, can u not be strict enough to eat the right things and the right amount? to stick to either SW, CC, JUDDD, or whichever diet until it does actually stop working?
IMHO nothing beat SW, it allows you freedom over the good stuff and restriction over the bad, but not elimination, it works great with families and it is easy to follow life long, ok, so we still all occassionally have hiccups, but thats probably gonna happen at somepoint no matter what you are doing! maybe WW would be better for you in terms of convienience? although again like the CC nothing is off limits, you can have a greasy kebab, but then thats ur points used for the day so...
you do need to be strict with yourself no matter what plan you follow, you do just have to find out what works best wiyth you and your life
like already said though it is completely personal choice and if you really feel like that would help you then by all means go for it, but i just wanted to voice my opinionslol
I know your right. I'm just being lazy I want an easy way out and I think it's lady fun time which always makes me a bit gaga about my size. After cooking a healthy tea I don't have time to eat it, so I'm off to work in an empty stomach, and this is the problem I face. It's hard to cook before hubby gets in to watch the girls. They both have hand foot and mouth and are super naughty when left alone anyway so it's a toss up between them trashing my living room and breaking anything they get their hands on or not cooking then I choose the latter lol. I'm going to make myself an omelette at work though. Ill power through and when I see another loss it will be worth it I'm just stuck again. Right off I go in the rain on my chuffing bike to cook food I can't eat