thanks girls

all the junk has gone, i threw it all out the other day, i told hubby the kids ate it all n i told the kids hubby ate it all lol!
cavegirl ur right, i do know what to do i think while im feeling ok n positive im gonna write myself a note telling my tired, energy deficient self that a good balanced meal will make me feel better than a load of sugar laden rubbish! i do know this, but my mind seems to think in a completely different way when i am tired. |
Lou, i cant cut my hours, i need the money, i only work for minimum wage (yep, even during the night!) and if i paid for childcare then id have to work more hours, i feel like im stuck in a hole! lol i have tried finding a different job, but i live in the middle of nowhere, dont drive and it needs to work around the kids and hubbys job, so this is it at the minute

ideally i would work 7pm-1am then i would get a few hours every night, i could cope with that, but my work wont give those hours, its 7pm-7am or nothing

so yeh only getting to sleep literally every other night

i dont know anyone round here (moved here in feb) so nobody that could look after the kids, saying that though, Kieran (my 3yo) started nursery last week and goes on a mon, weds n fri, so on those days i could get an hours nap while connor (20m old) has an afternoon nap.
right, well i have gone shopping, i have made my plan for the week, the rubbish is out of the house and i rarely ever buy those kind of things anyway, so in theory i should be ok! thanks girls, also, (if its all ok with you lol) im gonna make an effort to log on ere if im feeling tired n hungry! usually reading the thread in here sets my mindset right
