Gold Member
Well done Lou!!
Thanks hun. Your turn tomorrow.
Well done Lou!!
Thanks Lou! It's the most I've ever lost in one week and it feels fantasticI really feel like something has clicked in my head and feel in control.
My plans this evening have changed now and I had all my food and syns planned. But I'm on a green day and ill just have a tuna jacket potato ad use the syns on mayo lol. This would have sent me spiralling into panic at one point!
You running tonight? X
Good to see this thread is still going well, does Rod still report in & keep everyone in order?
sparty said:I just cant bring myself to go out in the ice - I struggle to force myself out the dorr to work in these temps let alone going out if I dont have to. Going to make some time at the weekend to
1. do 30DS
2. go for a run/walk (in the daytime so its warmed up a bit!!)
3. Make up some SW ragu, soup and ketchup for the freezer/fridge
Well done lottiegreat news
Emma - what you struggling with?! Maybe we can help!!
I'm off to hunt down loola and faery....