Hiya emnice to see your face!
Have a think over things - are you writing a diary? Could syns be sneaking in without you realising it?! Are you being 100% and having super free etc?!
Argh that's annoying when you get stuck! Are you on EE days? How about trying a red or green day week?! That helped me last time I was on SW and I got stuck for 5 weeks!!
Or maybe up your body magic a bit? You still doing your kettle bells?!
Not as much as i wud like n to be honest the last 2 week that i hav STS ive been really stressed and down wonder if thats got anythin to do with it? I do a mixture ov days mainly EE
Aw Lou you are really going through it recently. How awful for that person to scam you - don't understand how people can be do rude as to shout at people who are trying to do something nice for them. Sounds like a lot of stress and troubles on your shoulders.
Has the bun and hot choc helped calm you down?! I think everyone hits a point where they need to just throw the plan out the window. But.....and bear in mind this is TL......don't let it run away with you. You had a moment where you snapped and had what you wanted regardless of your weight loss goals. I think you needed that tbh. But this is the one thing you can control to a certain extent at the moment and grabbing that might give you something to focus on.
Obviously I can understand if it all feels too much to bear but you have been a real inspiration to me and I would hate to see you reverse all your hard work. When you get your determined face in you are unstoppable!!
Does it help to talk things over?! I'm here if you need a shoulder to unload on hun. I want to help you get through this and back on the jazz as rod would say.
You can do this Lou - everything will turn out ok x
No worries
i have been out in London today meeting a friend who I met in Thailand and managed to have a reasonably good day food and drink wise. I didn't strictly follow plan but avoided drinking a lot! I had one small bottle of beer and one vodka and diet coke (they didn't notice me just having diet cokes the rest of the time lol). Food wise I had a chicken mayo sarnie (wm bread as a hexb and syns for mayo) and a few chips (syns for these too)
Nt too bad I don't think - I was on a red day. Prob more than I should have but quite controlled I think seeing as everyone else drank steadily!!
Argh I was doing so bloody well. And then I was Bleedin hungry so had an uncle bens express rice and a kit kat chunky of all things!!
I'm so annoyed after I had done so well argh!!
Today I am going to success express as much as possible (working lunch at a turkish restaurant) to try and recoup something. Grrr
YAY!! Nice one. Glad to see you are going in the right direction despite the stress!! So dreading mine tomorrow.