Today I have been great so far; starting afresh all week before a girlie weekend away that I a) dont want and b) can't afford!!

Cereal for brekkie, prawn and rice dish with veggies, fruit and yoghurt for lunch with velvet crunch (4) and a Nescafé latte macchiato (5.5)

Chilli for dinner tonight as well so no further syns planned.

Money really getting me down (or should I say lack of) so hoping I don't slip!!
how was your exam lou? hope it went well!

I was back on plan 100% yesterday - spent my syns on a nescafe latte macchiato sachet (5.5), velvet crunch (4) and a little bit of ice cream after dinner mmmmmm (5.5). Feeling tired but good in general. Having a green day for a change today :) brekkie was weetabix and milk (A&B) and a macchiato again (5.5 - I seem to be getting into a habit of having these!!). lunch is homemade soup with a WM roll (B), fruit and a yoghurt. Dinner will be either an omelette with ham and cheese and some SW chips or a jacket potato with some roasted veg cooked in harissa pasta.

How is everyone getting on? LOOLA WHERE ARE YOU???
Ahhh god I had a COMPLETE BREAKDOWN yesterday!

Things have been building up recently and I have been feeling so stressed out with work, money (or should I say severe lack of it), this stupid girls night out I have been forced into this weekend and then yesterday the very girl who forced me into it announced that she isn't going anymore!

Great - thanks a lot! I could really have used the money I will have to spend on things like....I don't MORTGAGE!!!! Argh I am so annoyed! I only agreed to go because she was going. I get on well enough with the other girls mostly but they do turn into rowdy crazy people when they have had too much to drink! So I am not happy about it (although she has good reasons not to go and i totally understand them). I guess i am just mad for not sticking to my guns in the first place and saying yes after much persuasion.

I have been working such long hours and I am not sleeping because I have so much on my mind! This weekend has been the undoing of me and i spent about an hour on the phone to a friend in tears last night because I just can't cope without any sleep any more! Even sleeping tablets aren't doing the trick!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Today I feel a little better but I am just not in the right mindset for SW. I really need to get this weekend out of the way (and get paid) so I can really take a look at the mags again and make some meals plans. I am going to try to relax a bit over the next few days and not get stressed about SW on top of everything else. But I am also not going to have ahuge binge and eat pots of pringles, chips, pizza etc! I just need to let go a bit and start again I think.

Hopefully you are both doing a bit better than I am?
Why don't you just not go at the weekend? Instead of stressing yourself out about going and spending money you really don't have just say your not going. It's silly to spend money on booze when you can't afford to buy food?! And if your mates don't understand then tough, let them fall out with you...they aren't friends worth having if they can't understand that you prioritise food over alcohol. I'd think my friends are stupid if they chose a night out over bills and food x
hey guys :) i am still here, just! i havent been to SW for like 5 weeks now i think, i have started again on monday and will be going back to class on tues, god knows what my weight is now :( work is no better, in fact is getting worse, i did 30 hours in 2 n half days!! 18 hours in just 1 day then 12 the next night! health is certainly suffering as my diet, need to see a neurologist for my back and leg and i am also facing the possibility of surgery on my Jaw (although that should stop me eating!) so i have not been keeping track of my diet at all! i haven gone mad like gone back to all my old eating habits or anything, but i havent kept count of syns, i havent ,easured healthy extras things like that, but i know ive gained, i can feel it and see it! i want to exercise coz i know i feel great when i do, but im just soooo tired all the time! as always i know what i have to do, its just teh putting it into practice thats the problem! but i have been a SW saint since monday, so hopefully on track a bit more! im gonna buy a 6 week countdown when i go on tues too to keep me motivated to go. anyways that enough about me lol

sparty, if theres a few of them going tis not gonna make too much difference if you dont go, u could "just be ill" that day...or you could go, let ur hair down, have a good time, drink a bit and have a good nights sleep...but i have to agree with Lou, spending money on a night out when ur stressed over lack of money anyway does seem pointless and that it could just add to ur stresses! i know completely how ur feeling, iuts the only reason im working the hours that i am, i NEED to :( hope ur ok! you too Lou, hope ur ok, well done for gettin on the course :) X
Thanks loola but I think I'm going to switch course and do the makeup one haha. I did a photo shoot on Tuesday and my makeup thing has really taken off and I can't do both. I've already invested ALOT of money into the makeup so am
Going to ring college tomorrow and talk to them. Whatever course I pick I have to stick with it. And I'd rather do makeup out if the 2 now I'm getting into photography makeup. I'd like to out a pic up of what I've done but I'm not allowed :/ if anyone wants to look at my page on fb inbox me ill tell u what it's called. I'm not allowed to put it on public boards
Eurgh the lergy has hit, my 3 year old has chicken pox, my 1 year old is threatening with it-temp and a cold, my 14 year old had earache and a cold since Thursday abd I have hit lady fun time but I feel ill, I'm exhausted and full of cold. Deep joy! Diet very hit and miss but doing the best I can. I'm going to body balance on wed, my friend really likes it so roped me in its nearly £5 but if I give up Sw then I can go to that which I think will be better for me. I need to tone up more than anything
Eurgh the lergy has hit, my 3 year old has chicken pox, my 1 year old is threatening with it-temp and a cold, my 14 year old had earache and a cold since Thursday abd I have hit lady fun time but I feel ill, I'm exhausted and full of cold. Deep joy! Diet very hit and miss but doing the best I can. I'm going to body balance on wed, my friend really likes it so roped me in its nearly £5 but if I give up Sw then I can go to that which I think will be better for me. I need to tone up more than anything

awwww Lou - your lot always have some sort of lergy! Make sure you are taking your vits so you dont catch anything from them! I have been to body balance before and I loved it - a really good combination of exercise and relaxing (im not one for yoga as i find i get bored laying down and breathing deeply all the time - too much of it for me). The one I went to mixed yoga, pilates and thai chi so it was really interesting too. You sleeping better?

Had my dreaded night out saturday night and although I felt the day time was a waste of time and money, I actually had a great night out. I literally just danced - might as well have been there on my own for all the attention I paid to anyone else. I just totally went into my own little world and danced my socks off! So I am glad I went and i think it was just what I needed - time away from family, bf and my local area.

Feel a bit refreshed from it and in a much better place mentally. My sleeping is a bit better too - I am working lots of overtime this week so sleep and diet will no doubt suffer. But tbh I have let go of the stress of it - I will make the best choices I can and if that means I have one slice of bread too many then so be it! Its not going to make me pile the weight back on and getting stressed about it does my mental health no good at all. Guess I just needed time to myself to make myself 'man up' and get over it.

I am super poor this week but get paid on Thursday so I am going to plan my shopping list to the last detail and make sure I get in lots and lots of SW food for the freezer to stock up. BF is working this week too so that will help fill up the cupboards as I feel a bit like mother hubbard at the moment lol!! Lots of veggies to make SW soups for lunch and lots of pasta dishes that I can pre-prepare as well!

How is everyone getting on?
Joys of kids at nursery Sparty!! Lol.

Glad you enjoyed your night out. Hope your not too skint!! Well hubby went back to work Friday and is on sick again today, his backs gone again. I aren't even worrying about it anymore. We have no money, at all. We're almost a grand over drawn, British gas are well and truly ripping us off. We have debt that we can't pay so it's either freak out it just shrug my shoulders and get through each day in tact. We are gonna really have to tighten our belts. I can't afford to spend £130 on shopping every week which is what I spend when I'm eating healthy foods all the time. My foods are gonna have to be frozen and packet stuff and minimal expensive fresh food. My budget for 5 ppl for food and nappies and toiletries a d clothes etc per week is now around £60. But yes living on benefits is a blast, and now well have to pay 25% council tax too as the government don't give full benefit for that, tax credits have been cut, cost if living gone up, utility bills sky high. I would love to see these ppl who make these cuts live in our shoes then still say we live the life of Riley. We've applied for every job in the area with no response, I'm going to college to do a course to help my career but we need a car. If we drove and had a car we could get more work meaning we wouldn't need benefits etcetc but we can't afford to do that without a job, we can't get a job with out a car. Catch 22. I just keep telling myself nothing last forever. Ooh sorry went off on one then completely undiet rated lol. But with all this in mind I'm trying my hardest. Not always succeeding but I'm doing the best I can x
Do you know what Lou - I agree with you. Who on earth can afford bills at the moment and people who make decisions don't think we are all struggling!!

I really feel for you Lou especially with ur hubby so poorly! Do you live in a rural area?! Is that why there are no jobs?! (Saying that you have your hands full with kids which is a full time job in itself!!)

My overdraft is nearly all gone plus I have a credit card up to about £4.5k because of how much it costs me to get to work!! (About 3.3k per year!!! Daylight robbery considering trains are dirty, late and often cancelled!!) but like you, trying to just tighten our belts where we can and plod along.

I found a link on the money saving expert website about feeding a family of 4 for £12 per week!!! Some good ideas on there for recipes etc as well. Ill see if I can dig out a link for you in case it helps!
Do you know what Lou - I agree with you. Who on earth can afford bills at the moment and people who make decisions don't think we are all struggling!!

I really feel for you Lou especially with ur hubby so poorly! Do you live in a rural area?! Is that why there are no jobs?! (Saying that you have your hands full with kids which is a full time job in itself!!)

My overdraft is nearly all gone plus I have a credit card up to about £4.5k because of how much it costs me to get to work!! (About 3.3k per year!!! Daylight robbery considering trains are dirty, late and often cancelled!!) but like you, trying to just tighten our belts where we can and plod along.

I found a link on the money saving expert website about feeding a family of 4 for £12 per week!!! Some good ideas on there for recipes etc as well. Ill see if I can dig out a link for you in case it helps!

Yes that would be great thanks hun. We live in a town but there isn't lots of jobs, they are just building an aldi so were trying to see if there's any jobs going there and a massive complex being built but it's gonna be years before its done seeing as they've not started building upwards yet. It's a small town centre and never any shop jobs :( we have a large tesco but never snythibg going there either. The nearest town is hull but for us to travel every day would cost £35 for 5 days travel which when your working min wage is not do-able. We've been applying still though, but there's so many unemployed in this area it's difficult to get a job with no qualifications :( he needs some training of some sort but I feel like we're banging our heads against a brick wall x
My girls will only eat healthy stuff which is good but why is it so damn expensive?? I did a shop at get on today and spent £60 but fridge and cupboards are really full..and the freezer is overflowing haha mostly frozen veg. I'm honestly so busy with the makeup unfortunately it's unpaid but for pictures for my portfolio which a good picture can get me a paid job so I have to keep going. But ppl saw the work I did at the last shoot and I'm getting booked up quick. 2 paid jobs in a couple of weeks which will be nice although they no where near cover my outgoings lol. I have a bridal fayre Sunday so I'm hoping that I can generate some interest that way. Oh and my printer is out if ink. Marvellous more expense lol x