Welcome to Tough Love Donna.
Tell us a bit about what plan you follow.Do you do any exercising?
We will be tough with you.We don't like excuses here.Read the first post and then re read it.Get it stuck into your brain that excuses get you nowhere.
Good luck.![]()
I LOVED THE FIRST POST!!! I have joined every diet, my very first was calorie countng with Slimming Mag - probably the most successful of my diets - following birth of my daughter I did weight watchers and again successfully, I have officially been a Slimming Worlder 4 times but although lost weight never stuck to it or kept the weight off - weight has piled on since birth of son in 2009, I suffer with depression and ended up in Autumn last year carrying bars of chocolate round to get me thru the working day - was diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder, had tablets changed and upped since Jan, over the last few weeks my need to binge has declined, whether its the tablets finally starting to work or the lighter brighter days kicking in I don't know...but I certainly am not complaining
I am crap with exercise I would love to have a buddy that could join a zumba class but everyone is busy with children etc and I just don't have the confidence the size i am to walk into a class alone. So I am trying to find time to exercise, today I have done 30 mins just dance, sweating like a pig but feel quite proud of myself because i could have carried on only 3 year old simply wouldn't allow it - so am going to take him for a long walk to the park instead
So that's me in two paragraphs, almost 8 stone to lose, calorie counting and increased movement!
thank you for lovely welcome xxx
Helloyou don't need a fancy class to up your exercise, last year I was totally focused (not so much atm lol) and I just walked on a night, if get my trainers on and headphones in a d just set off. The weight dropped off me. Walking is the best thing imo for weight kids, it's gentle on the joints but if you walk so your out of breath your rely burning those cals and as a sad sufferer also the fresh air will do wonders especially if you get out in daylight. Good luck!!
Oh its so good to hear from other SAD sufferers, another buddy on here has encouraged me to get out walking and I have done yesterday and today, managed 75 mins today - did you walk alone? did you go out in the dark? were you not a bit afraid esp if you had headphones on?
Congrats on your weight loss those figures are amazing!
I'd be over the moon ... in fact I'd be delirious if I weighed 10 stone 6 ... that's what I weighed when i was 16 lol!!!
wise words - thank you xLol I'm pretty proud of myself and that's why I need a break its all too easy to not see how far you've come when your not at goal...3 1/2 stone is ALOT to lose and if I don't lose another pound I'm not too bothered, I'm a size 12, in my healthy bmi so I'm happydon't ever forget how far you've come when losing weight, it's important to remember what you've come from so that u don't go back there. It's important to be proud of what you e achieved so far so that you can build your confidence back up again. It's important to be strict with yourself and not lie to yourself of course but it's equally as important to love yourself and treat yourself with kindness. If you constantly tell yourself your fat and useless and will never hit target you will fail it's inevitable. If you tell yourself you've started your journey and there will be ups and downs but that you can do it you'll succeed.
Thank you and well done on the maintain - apart from hubby's help have you got any other tricks up your sleve to get into the 9s?Well done Donna and Emma on the losses!! Fabulous results!!
Well done cave girl on the maintain!
I git weighed at boots to double check I hadn't gained and to my surprise I was 10.5 fully clothed...so at worst I've maintained my weight the past few weeks!! Feeling like my mojo is coming back, I have been shopping and bought lots if healthy stuff and have finally managed to rope hubby in on the cooking side of things so hopefully I can get myself into the 9s in the next month