Gold Member
Weathergirl986 said:Hi everyone, (or everyone that's left - emma and cavegirl lol)
I've taken the opportunity this holiday to read this thread from start to finish, I've been there on the ups and downs and laughed and cried with you all til I feel like I know you and it's such a shame that this thread has started flagging when it has pulled me up by my bootstraps and motivated me into a different outlook.
Absolutely, cavegirl, we choose what goes in our mouths and if we don't eat at a buffet will we really starve to death or can we not just eat something when we get home or prepare, prepare, prepare and have something before we go and then have something ready for when we get home? I did a VLCD a few years back and never ate one morsel of conventional food for 12 months and yet I still had a life, went to functions, parties, nights out, meals out, family gatherings, christmas and birthdays, so I think blaming someone else for what you eat is just an excuse.
Just to give you a bit of my background, I have battled with yoyo dieting for 30 years since being a teenager (I actually wasn't fat then but I was led to believe I was) and I've think I've done almost every diet but I've always come back to SW for the sensible principles, ease of following (no counting or measuring etc - or very little) and because I know I can use this to lose the weight and also to maintain so from last October I changed my lifestyle (not a diet) and started eating healthilywithin SW principles.
Activity is another of my issues, I sit at a desk all day long and exercise was so painful due to my obesity I couldn't even walk round the supermarket without almost being in tears from the pain in my back and knees. I've lost almost two stones this year (I know it doesn't sound like much but it means a lot to me because it's sustainable) and the pain has now gone. Ok I'm not rushing to run a marathon but I didn't give in and start shopping online as some people suggested (where's the tough love in that?) - I got off my backside every week and did it knowing that as the weight came off the pain would sort itself out. Thanks to this thread as well, I have bought some kettlebells with my Christmas money and starting tomorrow I'm going to walk more and find some beginner's kettlebells routines to start me off and get me more active. Anyone any suggestions for good routines?
I think I've updated my stats but I'm not sure because this is the first time I've posted so it may be a work in progress but I've just come back from a hospital appointment and the consultant wants to remove my gall bladder but because of my BMI he would rather wait until I have lost more weight to reduce the risks - another great motivator! He wants me to have lost another two stones in the next three months so that seems like a great short term goal to me along with getting more active and getting weighed at SW.
I do like the sound of your Paleo system though, cavegirl, and I'm combining SW with low carb and MFP at the moment but I've already decided to do more research into Paleo with a view to moving more in that direction, what made you choose it in the first place?
Anyway I'll stop rambling on and hope that this thread isn't fading away because tough love is how I live my life both giving it and taking it - I'm a plain speaking Yorkshire lass so Rod's philosophy suits me right down to the ground and wherever you are, Rod, have a great New Year - you are my hero!! Even though I know I'd be in all sorts of trouble for all the flim flam if he was around!
Happy New Year everyone and let's try and resurrect the thread for next year - I'm sure there must be more people than me in need a good butt kicking every now and again! :whoopass:
WG x
Hiya! Just wanted to say hello and wish you luck with your gallbladder - I had mine out in October and feel so much better for it. I didn't realise how badly it was affecting me until it was gone, so I hope you manage to get yours done soon.