I had a great day yesterday. When I first met my husband 8 years ago he told me a long list of jobs he wanted to do on his house. The first one was to have a new drive. Over the years we've done quite a few of the jobs (replaced boiler, removed UGLY gas fire, re-carpeted, painted) but yesterday the new drive finally started

It's going to be double in size so we can park side by side and have access to the garage door, so no need to bring wet dogs through front door after a walk. We're going to hang coats and store walking shoes in garage from now on, making for a much tidier entrance hall
Next good news: I took both dogs for a 2 mile run - never done this before and they were great - not too much tangling of leads. I then walked to the gym for my 30 minute workout and bought some fruit and veg on the way home. I pottered around home, took the workmen jugs of water and drank loads of water myself. Had a huge salad for lunch - completely on plan and about 2/3 superfree (OH joined me and thought it was lovely even though there was no meat on the plate!). We then walked up to in-laws with the dogs and I invited 12 year old niece to join me for a LONG walk whilst her dad and OH played golf. She accepted and off we went with the dogs for a 9 mile walk in the sunshine along a canal in the countryside. It was brilliant and niece didn't complain once that we were averaging 3.2 mph! She begged me to take her with us up Snowdon on Saturday, which OH and her dad agreed to.
We had a two hour wait at a pub for the men to finish golf and it was after 5.30pm so we shared some chips and cinder toffee (naughty but nice - only syns of the day - so far!). We got home at about 9pm and OH was starving so we went to the local Indian and (this is the best bit) had some poppadoms and then shared one main and one tarka dahl side. We left there pleasantly satisfied rather than stuffed. It's amazing how much less we both eat now.
Sometimes when friends lay out nibbles or cakes and I partake I feel guilty afterwards, but when I stop and really think about what I've eaten it is no where near what I would have in the past. And even though I think I should have eaten less or nothing at all, I do show some restraint and stop when I am full/satisfied. I weigh in later today, so the scales will tell whether or not I have judged this right! I have done so much exercise in the past few days that I must have worked off the treats along the way *crosses fingers*
Today I shall walk the dogs, then go to Shrewsbury (love it) to pop into work, meet a friend for lunch, do some window shopping, do a supermarket shop and weigh in at my regular group. Coming home to have a late evening BBQ in the garden with OH.
Wishing you all a great day