Tough love - off topic and chit-chat

No way! Had a voicemail yesterday off a number i didnt know it was a man asking for me by name then he gav me his fone number so ive just rang back to find out who it was n wat he wanted he sed i neva left any voicemails and i dont know who u r!! It was his bloody voice he sed u hav rang me before about this n i told u then i hadnt rang u! I was like wat the hell ove neva spoke to u, u were the one who left me a voice mail!!

And breathe... :D
Yes you do like your trips! You must have a very understanding wife! :)

I'd imagine so

But I cant go too long without hitting the coast, its kind of my drug really

I get scratchy and restless and she sends me off to save her own sanity

she has come with me on occassion but she is scared of the rough coast and I dont like having her there scared - it blows my confidence and I cant concentrate

my neighbours hobby is table tennis, he thinks I'm utterly insane....I think the same of him!
He annoyed me thou tryin to say he had rang me wen the msg is as clear as day and it was his voice! I think he is a freak bad style

Emma - you are the night stalker!!

great news for the calories Em, if you wanna be a weirdo, be a skinny one sister! GO YOU FREAKO!!! love it!!! lol
Emma! The guy sounds like a nut job. I'm with a Lou- a little lonely hearts action might do a lot for him :D

Off to the beach today. Going to try and take some snacks with me as I'll be having dinner late tonight as I'm going to a leaving do. Not worried about the dinner, but I am worried about making sure my lunch cals are low enough. I'll let you all know how I do :)
Morning guys. The weekend approaches.....who needs help planning? What you all up to?

I have a bday party to go to with my bf (his nans bday) so I am sure there will be lots of naughty food. Then going for a BBQ Sunday (if it doesn't rain!)
ok, here is the new order

you lose or STS you can post here. Three STS's and you're not allowed in

If you gain you are only posting up at HQ OK?

this will help you focus on why you log on here.

so this is your treat if you behave. Be naughty and you can sit outside HQ waiting for the wrath...forever if you like

posts upstairs are not social, they are hardcore TL format
I lost a pound since Monday WOOO I got weighed today at boots cos I fecking hate Monday weigh ins, I like weighing in on a Friday as it gives me a moral boost to be good on a weekend if I've lost or a reason to try harder if I have gained. 10.11 now :D I'll be 10.9 by
Next Friday

I weigh on fridays too Lou - I'm still stuck on 16st flat, but this weekend it's gonna be carnage, I will not stand for it

Totally agree that Friday is the day to weigh - you done a good job all week, it tells you that No.1

No.2 is that you then know that you gotta walk the line or you'll unravel 5 days of graft


you are gonna hit that 10-9 next week, I can smell it
Seeing what everyone is saying about weigh day I am wondering if I should change mine?! I WI on a Monday at the moment. If I do have my full syns (or use up some I have saved in the week) on a Fri/Saturday then I am going to get it both barrells by weighing in straight after the weekend. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing....But will making a change actually help or is it best that I see the consequences of any top level synning immediately? [I refuse to say cheating because I will NOT be cheating - if anything it would be using one or two syns from the previous day that I did not use - so flexi-syns in SW lingo] AND it will be planned!

Last week was up 1lb, the week before I only lost 1lb, and the week before that was STS so not great results on reflection. I am starting to go over my food diaries and see if I can find something I have done wrong or been making a basic error. I have also started calorie counting and cutting out snacks (NOT smacks lol) so I really hope next WI will give me something to show for it.
Seeing what everyone is saying about weigh day I am wondering if I should change mine?! I WI on a Monday at the moment. If I do have my full syns (or use up some I have saved in the week) on a Fri/Saturday then I am going to get it both barrells by weighing in straight after the weekend. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing....But will making a change actually help or is it best that I see the consequences of any top level synning immediately? [I refuse to say cheating because I will NOT be cheating - if anything it would be using one or two syns from the previous day that I did not use - so flexi-syns in SW lingo] AND it will be planned!

Last week was up 1lb, the week before I only lost 1lb, and the week before that was STS so not great results on reflection. I am starting to go over my food diaries and see if I can find something I have done wrong or been making a basic error. I have also started calorie counting and cutting out snacks (NOT smacks lol) so I really hope next WI will give me something to show for it.

weigh on fridays
give it a month

tell me it doesn't work

20th Aug is looming sister

so whats to lose (apart from 5lb???)

Took my little girl to a local park n look wat i found :) a gym outside so i cud exercise y watchin meg play :)


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how awesome is that? i wish our local council would do the same (although my days of watching the kids in the park are sadly long gone)
SmileyMan said:
how awesome is that? i wish our local council would do the same (although my days of watching the kids in the park are sadly long gone)

Gud in it i was like wats this n it even tells u how many to do or for how long and the arm pull thing wen u pull it down u r pulling ur body weight so it wasnt easy lol will b going there more often :)