Apologies for not replying much last night. I actually felt a bit off (I had done all day) I think I just got a bit too tired to be honest!)
I got home from the lunch, laid on the sofa for an hour and then my OH came home so I cooked him dinner as I had promised him to.
I made Pasta Carbonara. This is one of Antonio Carluccios recipes. The original had butter and lard in

although I did laugh when I originally read it.
Serves 2- the recipe is adapted!
250g Pasta, uncooked
100g (or more) of smoked fat removed bacon. (The original had 100g, I used 9 slices! Although when it's cooked down there's not much left to be honest!) shredded/cut up
3 eggs
60g grated Parmesan (HEA)
1.5 tbsp fresh parsley chopped
White Wine Vinegar 2.5 tbsp
3 Garlic Cloves, thinly sliced
Cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling water.
Add the garlic to a frying pan along with the Frylight and when they're sizzling, add the bacon. Cook the garlic and bacon until crisp.
In a large mixing bowl (enough to get the pasta into) crack the eggs, add most of the cheese (leave enough for sprinkling) and add the S&P and Parsley. Lightly beat so it's all mixed together.
Drain the pasta. (keep the big pasta saucepan to one side!) When done add the pasta to the egg mixture and stir making sure that everything is covered.
Take the garlic out of the pan with the bacon and add to the pasta and eggs. Add the white wine vinegar to the bacon and cook for 1 minute.
Put the pasta saucepan back on the hob, spray with Frylight. Pour the bacon in and then the pasta/garlic/eggs on top. Fold together for around 30 seconds and serve with Parmesan on top.
Yum yum yum- and Syn free

it didn't half taste naughty!
I did garlic bread for my OH with it, and I had strawberries for afters