Extra Easy Days Trefoil's Trip To Target!

Just thought I would throw you some pictures of my holiday. Well they are all of me, roughly a stone away from target... Just looking at how I view myself. Still see myself as so top heavy! Please excuse the faces, bless my OH haha!
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Sorry to bore you all- I'm still going for 11.7 as target but will need to do some serious toning work- which could push me out of target... (I have heard that hitting the gym can do this?!)

You look lovely, really good to hear that your happy and pround of where you have got yourself so far.

I have also always heard about the effect of gyming...BUT its not true ( I THINK) muscle may weigh heavier but is a lot more lean than fat. So your gyming should still have the effect of shaping your body and trimming for an overall smaller defined you.

FYI...i don't think you are top heavy
1.5 weight gain that's not bad at all, and your right as soon as you go back eating your super foods it will disappear.
Glad you had a fantastic holiday x
Thank you all for the advice- funnily enough I was talking to someone at work about it (they don't work in my department) and they went "careful about going to the gym you'll put some weight on", and there's me going great..
Must stop worrying about others actions/thoughts etc and concentrate on my own!
@Ra-ra thank you for your words, yes I am already on a roll and looking forward to weighing in next Wednesday!! How are things with you?

Ooo forgot to post this too.
I got these for my birthday courtesy of my mum and brother
Malteaser Bunnies (8)
Freddos (5)
Buttons (4)
They got them so I could count my Syn values and really enjoy them bless them!

That's so thoughtful of your mum and brother! It's nice to know you have a pre-synned treat handy :)
And for what it's worth, I don't think you are top heavy either- seeing full body shots you can see you're in proportion (and looking great!)
I disagree with the gym thing to an extent too- of course as T_T says, your body will retain some water in torn muscles (a good tip is to eat a protein rich meal or snack after gymming) but overall, it can only be a good thing to turn fat into muscle!
How cute are the snacks? Very thoughtful.

The muscle / fat debate is a controversial one.

As I understand it muscle and fat weigh the same. It's not true that muscle is heavier as such. Much like a tonne of feathers weighing the same as a tonne of lead. HOWEVER muscle is denser and more compact so for the same weight it takes up less space. Hence having a more "lean" appearance. Muscle also burns more kcal as your body works so your metabolism increases in line with your muscle to fat ratio. So if you turn fat into muscle or build the muscle you have already existing it won't lose you any weight as such but you will be more toned and it will work towards burning more kcal and therefore lose you the weight faster and more efficiently. It's a positive cycle. :)

Putting on weight initially is a common phenomenon when you start exercising because your body uses water to repair and to cushion damage. It soon learns not to don't that and the cycle above will far outweigh it long term. Stick with it.

I don't think you look top heavy either. Thems just boobs. ;)
I never gained weight going to the gym and I was a gym fanatic lol no time now I have a toddler.

Muscle does weigh more than the same measurement of fat. But 1lb of fat/muscle weigh the same. Muscle is just leaner. But it's not like your going to be a body builder, so it doesn't make much difference. Also muscles burn more calories than fat. So once you have more muscles you burn more calories than your previous body.

So I was told when you go to gym and have a workout, the reason you gain the weight is due to excess water protecting the sore muscles.
@SarahMP i think you're totally right. The scales to me are now just turning into a random numbers and it's how I look and feel in clothing etc that matters. I'm just determined to keep going to class as a target member so if I put weight on but feel good and keep myself healthy and toned it will be fine. Hope you've had a lovely day!
@lickthelid firstly well done on the loss my dear, and thank you, both you and SarahMP have put things into perspective and I will keep going for sure... And yes, they are boobs haha, much smaller than they were (thank God :rolleyes:) hope you've also had a lovely day!!

That's so thoughtful of your mum and brother! It's nice to know you have a pre-synned treat handy :)
And for what it's worth, I don't think you are top heavy either- seeing full body shots you can see you're in proportion (and looking great!)
I disagree with the gym thing to an extent too- of course as T_T says, your body will retain some water in torn muscles (a good tip is to eat a protein rich meal or snack after gymming) but overall, it can only be a good thing to turn fat into muscle!

Thanks @RosiePops bless them for thinking about it! I think that me being "top heavy" is something I have to get out of my head, I used to have a two size difference between top and bottom halves so at one point I was and maybe it hasn't quite sunk in?! Yes I was looking at some gluten free protein balls in waitrose earlier for post gym but they are so high in Syns :eek: ok that's all good I'm so thankful for the info!! Hope you've had a good one- the weather has been fab here today, hope it has been at your end too!!

Looking lovely, Ruth! re the gym: muscle is less dense than fat, so it's definitely worth taking measurements, as you may notice scales not behaving how you would expect. Drink plenty of water, as muscles will retain water to help repair.

Thank you @Torn_Tranquility i do take my measurements already which is good :) thank you for the advice, and I will up the water too!
How are you doing??

Corn on the Cob with Homemade Smoked Paprika Chips and Asda BBQ Chicken (2) I also had mayo and hot sauce (3) followed by a crunchie!
