Well it got to 10am and I couldn't do it anymore.
If I make mistakes in my job it costs everyone and I'm not prepared to go down that road.
So I rang the doctors, and the duty doctor rang me back at 12.
They wanted to see me at 16:50 so I left work early and got there for 16:45, unfortunately I didn't get seen until gone 18:00 due to overrunning but the GP was lovely.
I have a confirmed viral infection and got told to rest in bed for 4-5 days, lots of fluids and try to eat (even though I haven't got much of an appetite), that I had a temperature, glands up, looked grey etc and got signed off until Monday.
However... I can't take time off :/ there's not enough staff. So I'm going to look after myself but still go to work, follow all of the advice etc and rest in between... I also don't know if I would get paid. So I feel a bit silly for moaning but I'm sort of out of options :/
Oh well. Off to bed now, wrapped up!
Thank you all of your kind words and well wishes!