Triage is at GOAAALLLLL!!!!

Awwwww thanks NT!!! By the way, I managed to get into the Halloween outfit! First time wearing a short dress in public ever!! No full shots but here goes....

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Looking good and a bit scary, hope that blood aint real ;)
It was a really good night!!!! Lots of fun had :0)

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A bit of a fuller shot, not as skinny and gorgeous as my friend though :0(

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A bit of a fuller shot, not as skinny and gorgeous as my friend though :0(

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Loving it!! Looking fabulous dahling ;)

Gosh she is a bit gorgeous isn't she eeeekkkkk
Exactly DQ!!! That's what I'm up against...!!!!

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Morning scary nursey ! Really great costume and make up Jo... Lol. Looks like it was loads of fun:)
Morning Jo, nice photo's love. ;)
Morning everyone :0)

Well decided to have another check of the damage caused by carb blow out over the weekend! Was back in the 11's on the Sunday.....eeeekkkkkk

But today I'm back in the 10's and 4lb away from my lowest recorded weight over a week ago so very happy with that!!

Anyway.....back on it 100% from today!!

I'm finding that I am turning into a right cheese and cream monster though so I'm going to have to keep an eye on that!!

Lots of water today I think! I have leftover lamb for lunch from last night with salad and for tea it's goats cheese stuffed mushroom with some kind of meat :0)

Brekki I don't know! I always get stuck with that, either a MIM or Eggs today though I feel!

Hope everyone has a fab day!!! x

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Morning Jo, yes a lot of people find that cheese stalls them, me included love.
Morning Jo... It'll soon come off :)
I'm hoping so!!!! Anyway, skipped brekkie and had lamb salad!

Tea will be portobello mushrooms with grilled goats cheese, pesto and sundried tomatoes along with a butterflied chicken breast!!


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Sounds yum Jo! I think it's a hard time of year ... Summer hols are over ... Nights getting dark and long... And Christmas with all it's food stresses just around the corner!! :)
Glad to hear you heading back where you want to be:)
Morning Jo :)
Morning Jo, it's important that you don't skip meals love.