Gold Member
i would like to say i was up bright & early but after a late night (ended up on laptop till 12.45) :character00148: i feel very groggy i soooo need my sleep it makes me feel a bit needly when i don't get enough me thinks my daughter should not wind me up to day :ignore:
i have just :thinking2:that i haven't been to the loo
for 3 days the meds i'm on bung me up (sorry for anyone eating brekky lol) :yuk:i have been taking senna tabs each day but they are crap the doc gave me lactulose so have taken a couple of swigs
arty0027: i have decided it would go really well on pancakes
i will have to look up the s/w recipe ( and no im not joking ha ha) i am hoping i will be hot footing it
b4 i go to weigh in tonight! well i need to go and have my shower
as it is 9.45 will come back and do my food diary. hope you all have a great day
arty0011: xx
i have just :thinking2:that i haven't been to the loo