hi beegee i haven't tried them yet thought i might tomorrow with lemon & sweetener, i went shopping earlier and looked at the maple syrup but decided it wasn't a good idea lol :17729Blimey Val - your planning is fantastic, you are absolutely sailing through at the moment. Isn't it great when your head is totally in the right place!
Ta for that pancake stuff, they look good don't they - have you tried them?
Interesting that you've lowered your target. You just love a challenge don't you! If you think you'll be more comfy with more weight off you then it's a good idea. I'm sure you'll be there in no time, especially now you're the planning master! Good luck you x
hi dawn i can see why ur friends are saying u will look like a lollypop head cause u look really slim, they r probably worried u r taking it too far, i think sometimes our brain doesn't catch up with the fact we r slimmer maybe u need to tone rather than lose more weight, at my lowest i was 9st 3 and at 5ft 8 was very skinny but i couldn't see it and was constantly being told to put some back on (which annoyed me lol) but looking at myself in photos when i was 10st 7lb i can see where they were coming from cause i look too thin in them! i'll get off my soap box now ha ha. have a good evening love val xxHi Val x
Ooh you're brave lowering your target...good for you! I've no doubts you can do it, specially as you're so focussed atm x
I want to lower mine but people keep telling me off saying I'll look like a lollypop head lol!But I could easily stand to lose another half a stone so I might just try to lose a bit more but not actually lower my target officially
Thanks for that lovely pancake recipe! I'm certainly going to try that!![]()
hi jane thank you x good luck for weigh in xxLove the look of the pancakes Val, might try them at the weekend. Good luck with your new target.x