Right... It's all gone wrong And I need to reign it in...:-/
Been happily plodding around 10.2-10.4 and I'm now up to 10.10.. And feeling horrendous.. Week days not too bad and been following pretty well but weekend wine not helping and food too, I seem to be obsessed with eating.. Comfort eating
clothes not fitting well and I just feel so horrible
Change in meds hasn't helped, finally had coil removed as was having so much trouble and gone back to implant but a brief stint on pill has not helped..
Uni not helped in a way as I'm f/t Monday to Friday 9-5 so fasts are less easy as they were before.. And I'm knackered!
Time to get back on it big time.. Gonna record food on here.. Really need to follow SW and maybe a couple of fast days in too..
So tomorrow - I'm gonna fast.. I know I can do this and I have a holiday in two months so the aim is to lose 10lb by then.. Need to keep up more Pilates too which I do at uni, but must do it more in the evenings.. Also want to try and get out walking at lunch times..
1. Eat SW
2. Fast on Monday & Wednesday each week
3. Only drink wine on a Friday/sat
4. Do Pilates at least three evenings a week
5. Walk at lunchtime at least twice a week
I need to get on top of this