I think I got to day 16-18 of the shred as I never got to level 3.
I was trying to do it everyday and I think that is ok but life's just not that simple, some people may run over at work an hour maybe 2, I'm a carer for my mum and I got up yesterday and still need to go back to bed, The shred would be impossible for me to achieve today. So in a way I failed myself before I started as id set an unrealistic goal, your muscles also need a day to mend and bind.
Those crunches are a killer, my back would hurt on the bum out , knees bent and hands in to the arm pit area and out while holding weights.
I didn't see a great difference to tell you the truth but were I did see a change is I couldn't do it with out dying the first 3 days but by day 10 your in it and doing it, it changes your stamina really quickly.
Toning and weight loss, I lost and toned more riding a bike for 4 miles 3 times a week , then built up to 20 miles a week and a day out on it at the weekends, in the end it just became fun and I couldn't wait to go out on it, I was like a kid again.
I miss it terribly and tahts what im losing weight for now so I can jump back on it in a comfortable way, and I can control the bike better if i'm not hanging off the sides.
I'm yet to master an endo ( hoping I don't break my nose in the process