Total Solution tubbynomore WILL get in the 11's...

*bridezilla* said:
Hi Ali, hope you feel better soon x

Goal 1 - get into the 12's by end of week 3
Goal 2 - get into the 11's by end of week 6

Thanks Shell, feel like I have been beaten all over, glands up again but hey, I have a voice lol. Gorgeous day here today but I really cba to get off the sofa :(
I soooo want to take the dog out for a walk but I don't have the strength to be pulled. I am keeping up with my fluids so I'll be better in no time ;)
Hey nursie.... You are doing great inspite of feeling pants !
I'm not sure I could do that :eek:
Hope you feel better soon chick- and Darcy too. Feeling pants is bad enough let alone when we're doing VLCD xxx
Get better soon Ali, hugs xx
Hope you feel better soon Ali......I had that same virus for 3 weeks and it really knocks it out of you!!

Mine turned into a nasty chest infection requiring anti-b's...... Keep warm n snuggled up!!!

J x

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Thanks guys, still feel awful. Ache all over and my neck glands are huuuuge!

On a plus I have achieved my first goal, 3lb off this week :D well worth the effort. Will catch up with your diaries later when I can focus for longer than 5 mins xx
Yaaaaayyyyyy well done you!!!!! xx

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nursetubs said:
Thanks guys, still feel awful. Ache all over and my neck glands are huuuuge!

On a plus I have achieved my first goal, 3lb off this week :D well worth the effort. Will catch up with your diaries later when I can focus for longer than 5 mins xx

Great news on the first goal Ali x
Well done nursie ....
Lots of rest and get well x
Well done Ali- hope you feel better real soon xxx
Well done lovely! xx
Hi peeps, better but still a long way off being right :)

Last night we had the dilemma of going out for DS's 17th birthday but thankfully because of me being under the weather they agreed to have a takeaway :D much easier to manage so I ordered their food and I shared a tandoori mixed grill with hubby, meat and salad with no rice, naan or dressings. I only had a few bits of meat as I didn't fancy it anyway. Still in K this morning so onwards and downwards :D

Had a few negative stuff thrown at me yesterday, apparently my neck looks thin and scraggy, I have lost weight too fast!!!, I have lost enough now and any more would make me too thin :eek: I'm still 12.7 stone and size 14/16 FFS. What never ceases to amaze me tho is they didn't tell me I was too fat before or not to put on any more weight or I would have high blood pressure, diabetes, painful joints, worse asthma lol.

More comments and compliments again today though from people I haven't seen in ages which balances it out :D

Had a panic earlier, poured myself a glass of my favourite strawberry and kiwi water and I though it tasted 'odd' but I drank it anyway! Turns out it's summer fruits and contains citric acid ;) one glass shouldn't do too much harm to my K but the rest has gone down the sink! Didn't like it anyway so bonus ;)

Going to have a look around now to see how today's WI's have gone. Happy Saturday xx
Hi Ali,

Glad you are feeling better. I agree with Darcy - Ignore the negative comments and focus on the positive. Do what you need to do to make you feel better about yourself. That's what i'm trying to do.

Hope you start to feel 100% soon. I'm off to do my first week weigh in now. Eeeek!!

Laura XX
nursetubs said:
Hi peeps, better but still a long way off being right :)

Last night we had the dilemma of going out for DS's 17th birthday but thankfully because of me being under the weather they agreed to have a takeaway :D much easier to manage so I ordered their food and I shared a tandoori mixed grill with hubby, meat and salad with no rice, naan or dressings. I only had a few bits of meat as I didn't fancy it anyway. Still in K this morning so onwards and downwards :D

Had a few negative stuff thrown at me yesterday, apparently my neck looks thin and scraggy, I have lost weight too fast!!!, I have lost enough now and any more would make me too thin :eek: I'm still 12.7 stone and size 14/16 FFS. What never ceases to amaze me tho is they didn't tell me I was too fat before or not to put on any more weight or I would have high blood pressure, diabetes, painful joints, worse asthma lol.

More comments and compliments again today though from people I haven't seen in ages which balances it out :D

Had a panic earlier, poured myself a glass of my favourite strawberry and kiwi water and I though it tasted 'odd' but I drank it anyway! Turns out it's summer fruits and contains citric acid ;) one glass shouldn't do too much harm to my K but the rest has gone down the sink! Didn't like it anyway so bonus ;)

Going to have a look around now to see how today's WI's have gone. Happy Saturday xx

People p!SS me off what unhelpful stupid comments :S
Yay on the compliments though :) stick with it :)
People are probably jealous your doing so well! Keep at it and well done for making good choices withthe takeaway!!! Xx

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