Well done for cracking your first stone Lucy!!!! x x x
Well done for cracking your first stone Lucy!!!! x x x

Thank you Kay wasn't expecting that much, had a different lady today and she thought my last weigh in was two weeks ago!
another 6lbs off today, grand total of 1st 7lb in month one!
Lucy that's brilliant, well done!!! One and a half stone in a month :) :) :)
Lucy that's brilliant, well done!!! One and a half stone in a month :) :) :)

Thank you :) its not really sunk in! Daring to dream that in another month ill be heading towards 3stone down! Trying not to get my hopes up! I guess after the first month is when you start to see a dramatic difference! I can tell I'm getting smaller but the last two weeks I haven't been able to pinpoint where abouts exactly!
Just wait till you have to buy new clothes because the old ones don't fit - it's great! :)
Just wait till you have to buy new clothes because the old ones don't fit - it's great! :)

My work trousers are huge so are my jeans but my thighs are the same size so I think they would fit round my tummy but be too small on my legs lol xxx
Hehe I'm having an opposite problem to yours! My thighs have shrunk more that I consider fair and I've got lots of saggy skin on the inside tops of my thighs. Why can't it come off my belly instead lol. My belly still makes me feel enormously fat! If only we could direct where we want the next bit of weight to come off from ;) Hey Ho, I suppose we just have to get on with it :)
Hehe I'm having an opposite problem to yours! My thighs have shrunk more that I consider fair and I've got lots of saggy skin on the inside tops of my thighs. Why can't it come off my belly instead lol. My belly still makes me feel enormously fat! If only we could direct where we want the next bit of weight to come off from ;) Hey Ho, I suppose we just have to get on with it :)

I'm petrified of getting saggy skin, hoping my age is on my side!!
Wow well done Lucy! :) that's a great thought to keep you going - a possible 3 stone!!! I'm on my second week and determined to stick at it! x
Wow well done Lucy! :) that's a great thought to keep you going - a possible 3 stone!!! I'm on my second week and determined to stick at it! x

How much are you hoping to lose?
Fingers crossed your skin is much more elastic than mine. I was put off too about saggy skin, but after a good think, I'd rather lose the weight and be able to hide the sag with clothes than keep the baggage. I wouldn't have been comfortable wearing a swimming costume at 19st 7 in public, so not a disaster if I don't do it once I've lost weight. Anyway I'm saving up for surgery, having to be realistic and practical about it. Age is against me unfortunately.
I want to lose 6 stone!! So got a long journey ahead! I just keep thinking, what is several months out of your life, to be slim for the rest! x
Fingers crossed your skin is much more elastic than mine. I was put off too about saggy skin, but after a good think, I'd rather lose the weight and be able to hide the sag with clothes than keep the baggage. I wouldn't have been comfortable wearing a swimming costume at 19st 7 in public, so not a disaster if I don't do it once I've lost weight. Anyway I'm saving up for surgery, having to be realistic and practical about it. Age is against me unfortunately.

I'm sure I've seen on embarrassing bodies that if you maintain the goal weight for two years you qualify for surgery on the nhs? Though it probably depends on how much skin there is! How much does surgery cost?
Oh that's interesting! Will look into that but in these economic times, it's unlikely to happen. I suppose it will cost somewhere between £8000-£10000. Depends how much needs doing ;)
Oh that's interesting! Will look into that but in these economic times, it's unlikely to happen. I suppose it will cost somewhere between £8000-£10000. Depends how much needs doing ;)

I could be wrong, think it also depends on how much skin there is but it's always worth a trip to the dr :)
Tuesday weigh in.

I lost 12lb today, my first weigh in, I am delighted...
Well done everyone on your losses.

Oh that's interesting! Will look into that but in these economic times, it's unlikely to happen. I suppose it will cost somewhere between £8000-£10000. Depends how much needs doing ;)

hi kay, just wanted to check im doing this calculation right......
last week I was 90.6kg this week 88.8kg which I make to be a 1.8kg loss (3.96lbs, just call it 4) taking my weight from 14st2lb to 13st9lb?
Hi Lucy

Well done on the loss, that's brilliant!! :)

I hate the conversion thing!! You're spot on with the 1.8kg =3.96lbs. I use this site Kilograms to Stones - kg to stone conversion to do the conversion.
90.6Kg shows as just under 14st 4lbs and 88.8kg shows as just under 14st. I think it's more accurate that the crazy conversion tables they have at the pharmacy!
Wow well done Lucy! :) that's a great thought to keep you going - a possible 3 stone!!! I'm on my second week and determined to stick at it! x

Hi Mand - I'm on my 3rd week. It's getting easier now but don't feel like I've lost much this week. 3 days to weigh in - just hoping it's not going to be a small one. Stayed 100% but thinking my age is against me this time round.