tweekedgirl said:Thank you Karen, it ended up being more of a Chinese style curry in the end but was still really nice! Last night I made a turkey curry with chickpeas and tender stem broccoli, but overdid the chillis a little bit! My stomach feels like it's digesting itself haha.
So, this morning was weigh day, and I've weighed in at 70.9kg / 11st 2lbs. I'm actually ecstatic at this! I've been weighing myself throughout the week, and after the disappointing takeaway, my weight's been stuck at 11st 4lb, and even yesterday morning it was still 11st 4lb, so I wasn't expecting this at all. The past four days I've really stuck at it, with at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, and ensuring that I was at my calorie allowance, and now it's all paid off
There's been the odd time when I'd looked at the scales, not seen even the slightest loss and thought 'screw it, i'll just have loads of pasta and crisps today since it's not making any difference' but now I'm so glad I kept at it.
For anyone wanting to loose weight, and not sure which diet is right for them, I'd recommend calorie counting 110%. I started by just changing my diet and exercise habits, and was loosing the weight slowly and steadily, but since I started calorie counting 2 weeks ago, it's just seemed to give me that little boost. I also love the fact I can actually eat what I want and as long as I'm still within my daily allowance then all's good. For example yesterday I had some nachos and a latte at the cinema, and half a chocolate bar and an options hot chocolate in the evening, and I still managed a two pound loss
I've got my timetable for uni now and my first day back is Tuesday the 18th, giving me 10 days to loose these last two pounds to hit my uni goal. I've also got some nice jeans from back when I was in college that I would absolutely love to wear on my first day back! They're a little tight around the knees and stomach, but fingers crossed that given 10 days I'm looking good in them.
tweekedgirl said:Thank you Faith, what are you looking to get down to out of curiosity? And do you have a diary I can follow? It's always nice to read other people's who are in a similar boat.
tweekedgirl said:Well, after my crisp binge, happy to say that it's now out of my system and I'm back on trackI totally agree Faith, if I felt guilty about every little thing which is considered 'naughty' then this diet would have failed long ago!
I've done my EA sports active workout which burnt 180 calories, and a 75 minute walk which burnt approximately 400 calories. A nice low fat turkey chilli for tea means for the day I'm actually net -300 calories. Going to go and make myself an instant mocha and call it a night. I've just downloaded an app called Endomondo Sports Tracker, which tracks your walking and the speed via GPS. Really handy free app which I'd definitely recommend. Going to get myself a little bum bag or something similar to keep my phone and keys in and might start doing a bit of outdoors running.
Up nice and early tomorrow for a Zumba class at the gym, then a bit of swimming to cool down and then straight to work for eight hours - fun fun. Home at eight where I'm going to use up the rest of the minced turkey for turkey burgers with a spicy jalepeno and red pepper salsa with some veg.
Hello! Subscribed to your diary, hope you don't mind.
tweekedgirl said:I did a sneaky weigh in this morning to see the damage, and I'm actually down a lb to 11st 1lb. Can't complain with that! So my official weigh in tomorrow will probably be about the same, but I still have until Tuesday morning to hit my 11st target for the start of uni. Going to stick very strictly to soups and salads for the next couple of days and low carb meals for the final push. Tonight I'm off for a night out in Manchester, and I'll be consuming a large amount of Dissarono and coke, so obviously that's not ideal but I won't be having a takeaway and I'll try not to binge too much haha.
I still can't believe that just over 3 months ago I weighed close to 12 and a half stone. The more I think about what I've achieved the more I'm confident that I will get to my final goal. I need to think of an achievable goal for Christmas as well. Hmm, low 10s I'm thinking? I don't want to go for an unrealistic goal as I'll be disappointed if I don't hit it so I'd rather go for an easier goal and smash it![]()
tweekedgirl said:So, setting off for my first day of Uni in one hour, and wearing my new (old haha) jeans! I'm in three days a week, so I'll be aiming to walk a least 2/3 days. I also would like to keep up with the gym at least twice a week, and I'm even considering joining the volleyball team :O I know it's my final year but I'd like to say I've done some form of extra-curricular activity and what a great way to keep my fitness levels up. I fell in love watching both beach and standard volleyball during the Olympics, so it's definitely worth giving it a go.
Food today has been a coffee, Weetabix Minis, Morrisons Carrot and Coriander soup and a small barm. I'm planning to have steak tonight with the cumin-crusted vegetables from the Hairy Dieters. I've already done my EA Active workout this morning, and will be walking to and from uni so exercise is good today. Fingers crossed today will be a good first day!