Karen, you definitely should, it's lovely
Well morning all, hope everyone's well. I have to say, I've let my diet slip these last couple of days, and now need to get back on track. Yesterday was a step in the right direction, porridge, ham salad for dinner, an apple and then chicken fajitas for tea. I did go over a little thanks to over indulging in the fajitas, but even so, the type of food in comparison to what I've been eating is much, much better.
Today I will make sure I stick to my calorie allowance like a saint! Porridge for breakfast and a coffee, having a tuna potato tomato thing for dinner, and then soup for tea, and working 5-8 so no eating when I get home. With regards to exercise, I've completely lost my motivation at the minute, and I just can't be bothered. I need a kick up the backside I think haha.
In good news though, our finance for the new car got accepted, so we'll be picking that up on Wednesday evening

It's a hybrid and apparently does around 50mpg, compared to our current car which just about manages 20mpg. This means I'll be much more likely to pop out to the gym as I won't be that worried about petrol costs, as previously I tried to work the gym in if I was around that area, but I would rarely just go out to go to the gym.
EDIT: Well, I've been reading over my posts from the past couple of weeks, stopped feeling sorry for myself, got off my fat arse and went and did my EA Active workout. 35 minutes later and 195 calories burned, feeling much more positive now