Hey Squishy, I think your kind thoughts for me have worked wonders, weighed in this morning at 66.4kg / 10st 6lbs, and only 0.1kg away from 10st 5lbs!
I'm absolutely overjoyed with that, and I'm very positive I'll be seeing 10st 5lb in the next day or two, and hopefully next Saturday I might even be on 10st 4lb! I had a good long look in the mirror today and I'm starting to like what I see. For me my stomach has improved the most. Before I started my belly was so round I looked pregnant

. But now it's getting quite flat and as long as I continue to work on toning exercises then I think when I get to 9st 7lb I'll be looking good
Yesterday I was very good with what I was eating, though there were many points I wanted to cave! I had cornflakes for breakfast, a wrap for dinner, and then pork chops with broccoli and mashed parsnips for tea with a mince pie for dessert. As far as snacking goes, I just finished off the peanuts I had left from Thursday, which was only about twenty or so. I had a few cups of coffee and finished the day of at about 6pm with a mint Options hot chocolate. At one point I did go downstairs, look through all the cupboards, contemplating a packet of crisps or a chocolate bar - but no. I closed the cupboard and walked away without anything. Also after tea I was feeling ravenous, but I stayed upstairs and kept myself occupied. Very pleased with yesterday as it was quite a toughy.
Today I've started off with bran flakes for breakfast, I'll be having a tuna salad for dinner and then chilli for tea. Again, today is another day I'm stuck at home doing uni work/playing Assassin's Creed! so need to avoid snacking and keep myself busy.
Hope everyone else is having a great Saturday x