Back to SW again
GO Batty go - you can so do this, and without the scales - proud of you, girl! 
Menus sound great too
Menus sound great too
Clean and green is just a term for low carb without the 'frankenfoods' and little extras that can creep in - a back to basics approach
GO Batty go - you can so do this, and without the scales - proud of you, girl!
Menus sound great too![]()
LOL morning!
The courgette pasta sounds lovely, and easy too
Awful how many carbs there can be in things like meatballs, I check every label these days! Waitrose do zero carb meatballs but it is just easier to make your own.
Have a lovely day.
Thanks for the recipe. Your posts are always so informative.
Woohoo wtg on the loss, Batty! Great news
Also v exciting on the allotment - will you have to do much digging up before it's ready to plant?
it's my plan to get our veg patch earning it's keep this year - ironically we've always had a glut of courgettes and I stopped growing them because we never actually ate them - now its top of my list to grow! lol! We'll have to compare notes.
Oooh once the flat is all sorted, I want to grow tomatoes and courgettes from growbags, and maybe get a raised bed for summer greens![]()
courgettes grow like weeds in my garden, i've done ok with broc, spinach, agreed that cauli is tricky - but going to give it another go. Planning to try celeriac for the first time this year since it's become a bit of a staple. I only plan to grown veg we eat in qty at home. Tomatoes do pretty well - and i'd like to grow more berries this year. Having real problems growing raspberries - which is a shame - but strawberries are a bit of a weed which is good![]()
If you google search a documentary called fat head it has some fascinating info about cholesterol, including that women are never ever helped by cholesterol meds.
Mine has always been low but make sure you get the full breakdown of hdl, ldl, triglycerides not just a total count - I know people who have been told their cholesterol was high and freaked out when in fact it was their good cholesterol that was high while the bad was low.