update on date :(

thanks guys, I wasnt aware dating was meant to be so much hard work :D I am tempted to text him and say....so are you ever going to kiss me?! I wont but it is tempting hehe
Hi OM,

I think Mrs. T, YIris and LA are probably right. He is probably not wanting to scare you off with being aggressive. My husband did not "make a move" for ages because he did not want me thinking that he was "only interested in one thing". Back then he probably was, but by the time he thought he might get somewhere, we were in love. Waiting can make it much more worthwhile. Go out, have fun and allow things a chance to happen naturally.

Oh, men are soooo difficult. Take it easy sweetie and enjoy Saturday.
Make yourself busy and DON'T analyse (I always make the same mistake) You'll know after third date as to where is this going - if he's not interested - his loss. Life is too short to waste it on someone who really doesn't know what he wants. Hahaha, he better be quick cause you might be kidnapped by the real prince-charming... That's the beauty of life - you really never know what's behind the corner.
All the best for you xxx
Hi onlyme

Last chap I dated waited until date 3 to kiss me - it was definitely worth the wait. I thought he was a confident and fairly extrovert person but it turned out he was shy when it came to dating. I was convinced that there was something wrong with me on dates one and two, then I got a call a couple of days after date 3 when he revealed that he was crazy about me. Ah, it was lovely!

And you do look great - no doubt about that. I'm hopeless at 'reading' men and offering advice, so will just wish you very good luck x

Maybe I don't understand the British's way but:

Why are you so keen on getting the guy's kiss?

You only went out with him once and already you wanted your kiss??

Someone please enlighten me here.

You know, when I met my now husband 15 years ago, I was only 20 and never had even a date before. And even then I knew that, in the dating game, rule no.1 is: Most, if not all of men, like to chase a girl. And that led me to rule no.2, which is: Always play hard to get.

It will only make them more interested in you.

My husband was very shy and didn't kiss me until we almost got married:sigh:.

I was desperate, but I kept playing it cool.

It made him respect and love me all the more.

From the sounding of your guy, I don't think he appears to be shy. I think he is just taking his time to know you better.

Don't push him. And don't try to fool yourself that it's no longer 1890 and therefore you can make the first move. I believe that no matter what time and age we are in, men will always want to be the hunters, not the other way around.

It's in their blood.

So take it easy girl, and let time do its work. In the end, if he won't take thing a few steps further, it means he's not keen on you.

Why would you want to be with a man like that?

It is different now, women can show they have feelings, desires and an opinion more than before. You don't have to wait until you're almost married to kiss someone. If that's your decision, fine. But Megan's decision should she want to kiss this guy on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 10th date is just as valid and acceptable. It's not like she was tying a ball and chain around his neck, it's a kiss. If that's what a person wants, I don't see the issue with it.

Yeah, a guy has to have a chase, but he's had that so far. It's not like she's laying it all out on a plate. It's a kiss. And it's ok to make the first move. Some guys like a girl who has the confidence to do that. And there is NOTHING wrong with a guy like that, or a girl who decides to make a first move.

Maybe it's a cultural difference but your post came across as very judgemental. Be careful.

I would like to just point out here that when I said be careful, I didn't mean it in a threatening way at all. I just meant as in be careful how you word things, which it seems that I too need to take notice of. I have meant no offense by this post at all, and apologise to yellowiris if any was caused.
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thanks guys, I wasnt aware dating was meant to be so much hard work :D I am tempted to text him and say....so are you ever going to kiss me?! I wont but it is tempting hehe

Oh i don't have any experience in this! i met my HB when i was 15.....it was love at first sight and he made the first moves (though i was bold enough to tell him that i didnt know where i lived when he asked, so he had to bring me home(still don't know how he knew though)).

And the second time i saw him, he told me he loved me (romantic isnt it)

So ehm i don't have a clue about getting guys to kiss you.

I do get the feeling you know him longer then just this date?? Cause otherwise he wouldn't think you were just friends.

Maybe you should be bold, and just kiss him, or maybe get him really drunk and kiss him (though i doubt that will solve anything, you'll question if he was aware of what he was doing)

And a text message is save. you wouldnt have to say it straight to his face.

I hope the guy catches up and that maybe he is just not getting the signs right! I hope he'll be in to you, and as said before, it is indeed his loss if he's not!!! You're wonderfull and look great!

If I came accross as being judgemental I apologize. That wasn't my intention.

It boiles down to cultural differences then. In the East, the colder you are on guys, the more they desire you.

And maybe, being 35, I'm too old-fashioned?:)

It's up to Megan to decide what she wants and how she's going to get it, of course. I just feel that patience and restrain are always nicely rewarded, in the end.
In the East, the colder you are on guys, the more they desire you.

I wish I could follow the suit - it's just I am ALWAYS too impatient lol
Caroline/YellowIris, Thank you for reminding me why I do not like typing online and reading other peoples texts. Often typing (including text messages, emails etc) can be misinterpreted and then the usual female b*tching begins. To be fair, this cambridge diet forum is for people who are on the cambridge diet and looking for support on their journey. I certainly do not wish to read 2 people disagreeing with each other over extremely un-related issues. On the 'un-related' note - I hate to say this Caro because you are a lovely girl, but I also think it is unfair of you to be posting on the cd forum about your new diet/exercise regime. Often you mention food and I do think it is a little insensitive of you to do this - you have done this diet before and are fully aware that it is difficult, so I am confused at your intentions of doing this. There are plenty of forums on the 'minimins' website that are probably better for you personally with your current weightloss regime. Please do not take this as me asking you not to come into the cd forum - that is not my place and would be wrong. I just think there needs to be some boundaries as far as mutual respect for others goes. "This Forum is for people following the Cambridge Diet in all it's many forms. It is a place to get support if you are struggling, to discuss how you are coping, and share your successes." :)
Yellowiris I apologise if it came across as *****y, I didn't mean to. I wasn't in the greatest of moods and probably didn't phrase it very well.

Emma, I didn't in any way mean to be insensitive, and I apologise for that. That's why I don't post on this forum about anything food related, though I might talk about my regime as a whole, I specifically try not to mention food. Those kinds of posts I take the the calorie counting bit, where I don't really know anyone and it's not very active, which is why I decided to stay posting here too. Though I did make a post when I started, which maybe I shouldn't have. But I had no bad intentions at all. It's fine, I'll stop posting here and just move to the calorie counting section.
I am also sorry if I have had anything to do with this, I didnt even realise there was a section for OT CD conversation untill today. I shall keep my conversation strictly CD! :D hope you are all having a happy day!
Oi Megan, keep us posted!!!
Please Megan... I can only barely remember what is was like to have the excited of something "new". lol

Well I don't know about anyone else but I'm waiting for the next installment :gimi:
Yup me too lol xx