Vamos! Let's do this!

How u doing today hun? What have u tried today? Xxx

Hey Martha. I'm doing great from a diet point of view. The rest of my life feels crap.
I had the cheesy pasta poured on a huge bowl (well wee bowl but I filled it right up so it made the portion look huge) of cauliflower. I know ur gonna disagree with me but it was lovely. It tasted like the ready made cauliflower cheese from morrisons. I added ,some seasoning to it so it was really good!

Otherwise, things don't feel so good with hubby. But I agree.. Not for a public forum. I think I'm dehydrated tho from all the crying :( I don't want to go into it but I'm not sure where things are going to end up.
work was also particularly draining. Complications with a patient and bad sleep last night. Very very tired now. Increased pressure to do so many things in my own time apart from the actual job... And then also having a negative affect on every other aspect of my life... Which is how I ended up with this stupid weight problem. But also of course so many other factors. Oh gosh I'm not making any sense now. Ill stop.

having the maple fruit almond bar which isn't so bad. Gonna try the dark choc truffa tomorrow. Don't really feel like having another 2 packs tho... Really not hungry. Not sure what to do. I guess I'll see how I feel later on.
After reading through some if these posts I decided to look up slim and save because I've never heard of it before, I'm currently using up left over Cambridge products from last year and was going to get in contact with my old cdc today to get some more but instead have just ordered a weeks worth of slim and save I love the fact they do actual meal and I'm sure they are tiny but i have been doing cd in secret because I don't want to listen to all the negativity surrounding vlcd, so at work it's a nightmare I hide the packets and drink tetra packs in the toilet and constantly get "is that all your having" it drives me crazy!! But to have an actual meal I'm hoping this will be easier, plus I was going to order 4 cd products a day as 3 is a real struggle when going from day to night shift but I knew it was gonna bump the price up but slim and save prices are soo good. Going to carry on with cd today and then hopefully my s and s package will be here tommorow, can't wait, hope losses are as good as on cd :)

Hey mrs jones! I think I'll enjoy slim and save products more than Cambridge. I'm like u at work. ... I lie that I've had my lunch and have something in secret. I don't want or need the questions and judgement that comes with it. Only my husband knows I'm doing it. He's the only one that supports it. Let me know how u get on. X
Hey Martha. I'm doing great from a diet point of view. The rest of my life feels crap. I had the cheesy pasta poured on a huge bowl (well wee bowl but I filled it right up so it made the portion look huge) of cauliflower. I know ur gonna disagree with me but it was lovely. It tasted like the ready made cauliflower cheese from morrisons. I added ,some seasoning to it so it was really good! Otherwise, things don't feel so good with hubby. But I agree.. Not for a public forum. I think I'm dehydrated tho from all the crying :( I don't want to go into it but I'm not sure where things are going to end up. work was also particularly draining. Complications with a patient and bad sleep last night. Very very tired now. Increased pressure to do so many things in my own time apart from the actual job... And then also having a negative affect on every other aspect of my life... Which is how I ended up with this stupid weight problem. But also of course so many other factors. Oh gosh I'm not making any sense now. Ill stop. having the maple fruit almond bar which isn't so bad. Gonna try the dark choc truffa tomorrow. Don't really feel like having another 2 packs tho... Really not hungry. Not sure what to do. I guess I'll see how I feel later on.

Ah glad the diet is going good atleast!!

I'm sure u are so tired from a stressful day! But u stayed on plan and I'm proud of you for that!

Lol and u liked the cheese!! Lol no no no haha!! Il send u my other one if u want it ha!

Sorry to hear about ur marriage. Times get so tough sometimes and we get emotional and jus want food and the fact that u didn't is quite the achievement :)

Hopefully get a good sleep tonight (ketosis permitting) it's so draining when everything just hits at once and all u wanna do is cry

Chin up hun

Hiya wee Flo

Keep yer chin up and keep going chicken. You are doing great. be a shame to let food drive you further away from ur destination.

Stay strong Mrs. Hopefully things will get better
:) x
Last night I did a night shift on cd and bleugh! I feel horrid, ive been popping paracetamol all night because mu heads been pounding and just felt soooo tired alot more than the normal night shift tiredness, hope it shifts and I start to feel great soon!

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And keep your chin up flossnoscar emotional eating was most definitely what got me into this mess! It achieves nothing and ypu probably wont even get the short term high because you will feel guilty. Plus when everything else in your life seems to be going tits up and you have no control over it, there is still one thing you CAN control....... what you pit in your mouth! You can take control of that :)

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Hey hey how is everyone. Thanks for your kind words and support. I've been a bit busy and tired. I'm on call tomorrow so a long day ahead but at least im off this weekend.

so to get to the important stuff... I've been sticking to the plan. Slim and save that is. I've been enjoying most of the things I've had. The dark choc truffa is nice but I think I prefer the milk choc one. Veg soup .. Nice. Raspberry shake not too good, it tasted very powdery. I had the strawberry shake just there and I thought it actually tasted like a real strawberry milkshake. Banana shake tasted too medicinal. I bought zero noodles, pasta and rice today and had some rice witht the curry. It was ok but I don't think I'll get curry again. There was just something to it that didn't quite appeal to me. All in all it's defo nicer than most Cambridge things. I do like the choc shake from Cambridge tho. Also I bough ready to eat scallops with parsley from m and s today. Only around 130 cal and very little carbs. Had that witht the ricr and curry with the apple Ribena plus. It was a really nice dinner. Even hubby said it looked good. And I'm stuffed.

treated myself today and bought a pair of ankle boot wedges from river island.
Black elasticated gusset wedge boots - ankle boots - shoes / boots - women

i went into river island and looked at all the clothes they had and I thought to myself... "Soon I'll be skinny and I can come in here and buy whatever I fu*kin want!"

anyway hope everyone's been good. My official weigh in day is coming up... Saturday morning! And that will be week one in the bag.

Well done Flo

Sounds like ur in control :) hope on call us not too busy. Got my fingers crossed for you. I laughed at ur river island comment. I'm same. Just want to go try things on and look good in them. It's soul destroying when u take things into the changing room and the 'no, doesn't fit' pile is massive and the 'yes, it fits and looks good pile' has one item in it (usually a scarf!)

Well that's going to change for us all. Hell yeah!!!

Have a good day :) x
Hey hey how is everyone. Thanks for your kind words and support. I've been a bit busy and tired. I'm on call tomorrow so a long day ahead but at least im off this weekend. so to get to the important stuff... I've been sticking to the plan. Slim and save that is. I've been enjoying most of the things I've had. The dark choc truffa is nice but I think I prefer the milk choc one. Veg soup .. Nice. Raspberry shake not too good, it tasted very powdery. I had the strawberry shake just there and I thought it actually tasted like a real strawberry milkshake. Banana shake tasted too medicinal. I bought zero noodles, pasta and rice today and had some rice witht the curry. It was ok but I don't think I'll get curry again. There was just something to it that didn't quite appeal to me. All in all it's defo nicer than most Cambridge things. I do like the choc shake from Cambridge tho. Also I bough ready to eat scallops with parsley from m and s today. Only around 130 cal and very little carbs. Had that witht the ricr and curry with the apple Ribena plus. It was a really nice dinner. Even hubby said it looked good. And I'm stuffed. treated myself today and bought a pair of ankle boot wedges from river island. Black elasticated gusset wedge boots - ankle boots - shoes / boots - women i went into river island and looked at all the clothes they had and I thought to myself... "Soon I'll be skinny and I can come in here and buy whatever I fu*kin want!" anyway hope everyone's been good. My official weigh in day is coming up... Saturday morning! And that will be week one in the bag. Xxx

Hopefully today is not going too bad for you!

I agree with u on the strawberry last time I mixed it into low fat natural yoghurt was just like a strawberry yoghurt cuz of the bits I think. Also agree about that raspberry! Didn't like the hazelnut myself I think the shakes have a kind of after taste which I don't like so the strawberry is really the only one I've liked so far. Will stick with the meal packs and bars lol

Boots are lovely and ur right u will be able to buy anything u like soon enough :)

Can't wait for official weigh in!!

Well still going strong despite the night shifts, headaches have settles aswell, been quite hungry today which is abit annoying, really enjoying the s&s products had crispy choc shake this morning which was lush! Bars are good and tonight had cottage pie in a tiny bowl to make it look more plus I ate it with a teaspoon and it was surprisingly good, I really enjoyed it :) eating actual food really helps :) how you guys getting on? X
Quick update cos im on call and ive just gotten home so im gonna eat dinner before i get called out again!

Ive uploaded a photo of my s and s dinner!
Chili con carne with zero rice and m and s prawns with ribena plus. All allowed. All so yummy. I love the chili con carne.. Will defo buy again.

I will read and reply when ive got a quiet moment! Xx


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Well still going strong despite the night shifts, headaches have settles aswell, been quite hungry today which is abit annoying, really enjoying the s&s products had crispy choc shake this morning which was lush! Bars are good and tonight had cottage pie in a tiny bowl to make it look more plus I ate it with a teaspoon and it was surprisingly good, I really enjoyed it :) eating actual food really helps :) how you guys getting on? X

Glad ur enjoying it hun

The choc shakes from s&s I feel are no comparison to Cambridge ones lol I duno about the crispy part either but we are all diff eh? I love the cottage pie with lots of pepper :)

Doing good just plodding on as usual

Glad to hear the night shifts r going ok.

Have a good weekend :) xxx
Quick update cos im on call and ive just gotten home so im gonna eat dinner before i get called out again! Ive uploaded a photo of my s and s dinner! Chili con carne with zero rice and m and s prawns with ribena plus. All allowed. All so yummy. I love the chili con carne.. Will defo buy again. I will read and reply when ive got a quiet moment! Xx

Looks good! I love prawns so will have a look out for them :)

The chilli is one of my faves too :)

Oooo looks lovely I havnt tried chilli yet might have it tommorow :) I prefer s and s shake as cambridge are abit to thick and powdery tasting for my liking. Having the extra bits flossnoscar, does that effect your losses? X

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So I think I'm ok for the time being. On call is tiring. I was in work at 9 am and from 5 pm till 9 am tomorrow morning I'm on my mobile and need to go in if called. I got home around half 8 and just finished eating the lovely dinner I posted earlier.
the zero rice from holland and Barrett is really good cos it fills you up. Once you get past the texture of it, it really is good. Especially since it's no carbs and minimal calories. The prawns are garlic ones that you can eat right away. Really tasty actually.

I had a caramel shake earlier which was nice. I agree Martha ...the shakes sort of have an aftertaste.. Some are better than others. So far I like the hazelnut, strawberry and caramel. Banana and raspberry.. No!

im going to put in a full order to slim and save on Sunday. Hubby is going to start Cambridge tomorrow. He is going to use the leftover products that I won't touch..which to be fair were his to begin with.

i have been sticking to the diet so I'm hoping I'll get a decent loss tomorrow! When the diet is easy it really is very easy so much so that I get worried that I ate something wrong that made me feel full lol and I have to think back to what I ate over the day just in case.

anyway, I hope everyone is is also doing ok. I'll let you know what I weigh in at tomorrow!
All sounds fab! I think I cope better when im at work if im sat around at hime I just want to eat :(
Drinking the water doesnt bother me I can easily do 3 litres a day with out really thinking about it but I hate the fact that I constantly need to pee! Its driving me mad! Sometime as im walking out the loo I feel like my bladder is ready filling up again!
But if it means weight loss than I cant really complain :), good luck for weigh in x