Vamos! Let's do this!

Goos luck mrs jones... When is ur weigh in? I just checked and im in a very good ketosis. This is really nice cos ive been having skim milk every day with my coffee which has made a HUGE difference for me cos last time i was too scared to take milk. Also ive been having diet coke, Ribena, Jelly and im doing well.
The milk makes such a difference!!! I've about 4 coffees a day! But I've swapped to decaf and I find I am sleeping so much better since swapping!! Love the water flavourings too they are my life lol xxx
I am going to weigh in on thursday as that will be a week on ss but I did 2 days cd before will be day 9 but im on nights next week anyway so id rather wait untill im on days so that im retaining any fluid :) im not in ketosis yet but it takes me almost a week which is soooo annoying!!
Night was busy. Our CT scanner was playing silly ******* and then our computer system for looking at the images was taking ages. Had a bad trauma case so I didn't get home till about 4 am. Then the bloody cats wouldn't let me sleep well. Then I got another call at 8 am but that one could have waited till 9am (for the day ppl) so I didn't have to go in.. but i got woken up from sleep :(
So I'm a bit tired but ok.
Unfortunately I only had two packs yesterday plus prawns. So not ideal really. Also not a lot of fluid. I think i'm dehydrated. My tummy has been really upset down the way as well last night and I've lost a lot of fluids that way.

I did weigh myself. I'm officially at 13st 8lb. Meaning I've lost 8lbs from 14st2lb and 5lbs in the first week. Not too bad. I've had slightly better first week losses in the past but you know what, I've never lost 8lbs in 10 days by exercising and eating right so I'll take any loss!

Hopefully I'll have another good week.

My tummy still feels slightly dodgy.. I'm having a coffee just now - the choc douwe egberts one with milk.
Later on I might treat myself to that crispy choc shake i've been wanting to try!

How do you guys like the spicy spaghetti? I didn't get it in my starter pack but I don't know if it's any good.. and I want to do my s and s order tonight or tomorrow.

Well, I'm going to spend the rest of my day at my desk. Need to do the washing. The house is in an absolute state but I don't really care.

I ordered a hat box for the hat I'm making so I'll need to put it together cos it came flat-packed. That way I can take the hat out of the wardrobe and put it in a proper box. Problem is the box is feckin massive and I don't know where i'm gonna put it. omg i have so much crap in my house.. just total clutter. I really really want to start de-cluttering.

Anyway, let me all know how you are! xx
YAWWWWN. Night was busy. Our CT scanner was playing silly ******* and then our computer system for looking at the images was taking ages. Had a bad trauma case so I didn't get home till about 4 am. Then the bloody cats wouldn't let me sleep well. Then I got another call at 8 am but that one could have waited till 9am (for the day ppl) so I didn't have to go in.. but i got woken up from sleep :( So I'm a bit tired but ok. Unfortunately I only had two packs yesterday plus prawns. So not ideal really. Also not a lot of fluid. I think i'm dehydrated. My tummy has been really upset down the way as well last night and I've lost a lot of fluids that way. I did weigh myself. I'm officially at 13st 8lb. Meaning I've lost 8lbs from 14st2lb and 5lbs in the first week. Not too bad. I've had slightly better first week losses in the past but you know what, I've never lost 8lbs in 10 days by exercising and eating right so I'll take any loss! Hopefully I'll have another good week. My tummy still feels slightly dodgy.. I'm having a coffee just now - the choc douwe egberts one with milk. Later on I might treat myself to that crispy choc shake i've been wanting to try! How do you guys like the spicy spaghetti? I didn't get it in my starter pack but I don't know if it's any good.. and I want to do my s and s order tonight or tomorrow. Well, I'm going to spend the rest of my day at my desk. Need to do the washing. The house is in an absolute state but I don't really care. I ordered a hat box for the hat I'm making so I'll need to put it together cos it came flat-packed. That way I can take the hat out of the wardrobe and put it in a proper box. Problem is the box is feckin massive and I don't know where i'm gonna put it. omg i have so much crap in my house.. just total clutter. I really really want to start de-cluttering. Anyway, let me all know how you are! xx

Sounds like a long and tiring night! Bless u! Make sure to get a lovely rest this weekend!

I only had 2 packs too didn't have my 3rd either I blame that on eating food lol

8lb is an amazing loss!! Well done you!

Let me know about the crispy choc! I think they are horrible lol taste like cheap chocolate and soggy rice crispies lol

Ul like the spicy spag if u liked the chilli, it's really nice.

I'm the same my house is a state but until my exams are done I don't give a crap lol and also similar with the clutter lol even when I was a kid our house was cluttered so I figured I keep trying to declutter it always ends up back the way it started lol there's more important things in life eh?

thanks martha :)
i'll let you know how i find the crispy choc lol. i may like it since i liked the cheesy pasta and u hated it haha

yeah as long as the other members of the family have clean clothes, food and a warm bed it really is not an issue right.

i might get the spicy spaghetti then.. i really really liked the chilli - it was like proper chilli with the beans and meat .. or at least as proper as you can get lol.
thanks martha :) i'll let you know how i find the crispy choc lol. i may like it since i liked the cheesy pasta and u hated it haha yeah as long as the other members of the family have clean clothes, food and a warm bed it really is not an issue right. i might get the spicy spaghetti then.. i really really liked the chilli - it was like proper chilli with the beans and meat .. or at least as proper as you can get lol.

Lol yea that's true maybe ul like it lol

Yes exactly clean clothes a bed and no food I'm our case is all that matters lol

Get the spaghetti u will really like it I think

Well done in your weight loss!! Amazing!! I love the crispy choc ans the spicy spag.was alright but I made with too much water was abit soupy :-/ I love having a good de clutter, we did it just before chrimbo got rid of sooo much made me feel alot better but in the summer we have got to do the garage not looking forward to that!

Cant wait untill I start having 2 packs a day and not fancying the others, yesterday I was starving!! But its always a very long day when you have just finished nights :)

Hope everyone has a good 100% day! Xx
Broccoli topped with the spag bol. I boiled the pasta instead of microwaving it. It's quite nice. I like the idea of adding veg to the pastas and prob do it with the cottage pie as well. I think it really bulks it up and makes it feel like ur having a proper dinner.
When it was cooking i was putting away the dishes and caught myself thinking wow this smells really good and forgot it was a diet/pack dinner!


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That looks lovely, I might try adding veg. Well my wish has come true im not hungry today I have had two packs today, stilll two to go and it 17.00 Yay!! It sooo much easier when I dont have a rumbly tummy :) ill probably be up late tonight because I jave a lot of work to do, and it nice to know I have got 2 packs to keep me going. Feeling very happy today and had a sneaky jump on the scales this morning and already 9lb off in 4 days :) happy happy !

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8lbs is a great loss Flo! well done. ur dinner looks nice :) I must be round about the same weight. I weigh on Wednesday so ill know then.

I'm back a gym. Just gentle stuff (except the circuit class I went to by mistake!)

All going ok. In ketosis :)

Hope uv had a nice day and get in top if ur washing. I need to do mines! X
Oh shister!! Hope your ok :confused:

Just had thr caramel shake its divine I would buy this if I wasnt dieting, love it! Also just wondering if any one can help me I have had my packs today all quite close together, as I didnt have my first one umtill 15.30 then had my second about 17.00 and shake now at 19.00 and plan to have my last pack in an hour or so, is this going to effect losses and ketosis ect?

Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
Oh shister!! Hope your ok :confused: Just had thr caramel shake its divine I would buy this if I wasnt dieting, love it! Also just wondering if any one can help me I have had my packs today all quite close together, as I didnt have my first one umtill 15.30 then had my second about 17.00 and shake now at 19.00 and plan to have my last pack in an hour or so, is this going to effect losses and ketosis ect? Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app

It shouldn't matter when u have them hun. I usually wait until 2ish before I have my 1st pack and 4th around 8 it's just what works for u x
Oh good, thanks for the reply x just had con carne with slim rice from holland and barrett, i am LOVING slim and save!! I dont really feel as though im on a diet let alone a VLCD!! Its amazing!! So.much better than cd just cos you feel like you having actual meals xx

Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
Oh good, thanks for the reply x just had con carne with slim rice from holland and barrett, i am LOVING slim and save!! I dont really feel as though im on a diet let alone a VLCD!! Its amazing!! So.much better than cd just cos you feel like you having actual meals xx Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app

Lol I'm glad it's working for you! Keep going ur doing great :) xxx
I totally get where ur coming from mrs jones! Im the same..

But tonight im finding it particularly difficult. Hubby made tacos and nachos... And i kept eating the mince! It tasted so yummy. I shouldn't come out of ketosis buuut too many calories.
He also bought ice cream, crisps, twix. Omg omg im really struggling tonight. I wont eat something bad tho cos ill feel rotten for going off the plan but the temptations are particularly bad tonight. I'm not sure if it's cos it is Saturday night and im not doing very much. Also my lip is killing me and im feeling sorry for myself lol.

Anyway ive planned more or less what to have tomorrow.. Something to look forward to... Has anyone had the s and s vanilla or caffe latte shakes yet?