Night was busy. Our CT scanner was playing silly ******* and then our computer system for looking at the images was taking ages. Had a bad trauma case so I didn't get home till about 4 am. Then the bloody cats wouldn't let me sleep well. Then I got another call at 8 am but that one could have waited till 9am (for the day ppl) so I didn't have to go in.. but i got woken up from sleep

So I'm a bit tired but ok.
Unfortunately I only had two packs yesterday plus prawns. So not ideal really. Also not a lot of fluid. I think i'm dehydrated. My tummy has been really upset down the way as well last night and I've lost a lot of fluids that way.
I did weigh myself. I'm officially at 13st 8lb. Meaning I've lost 8lbs from 14st2lb and 5lbs in the first week. Not too bad. I've had slightly better first week losses in the past but you know what, I've never lost 8lbs in 10 days by exercising and eating right so I'll take any loss!
Hopefully I'll have another good week.
My tummy still feels slightly dodgy.. I'm having a coffee just now - the choc douwe egberts one with milk.
Later on I might treat myself to that crispy choc shake i've been wanting to try!
How do you guys like the spicy spaghetti? I didn't get it in my starter pack but I don't know if it's any good.. and I want to do my s and s order tonight or tomorrow.
Well, I'm going to spend the rest of my day at my desk. Need to do the washing. The house is in an absolute state but I don't really care.
I ordered a hat box for the hat I'm making so I'll need to put it together cos it came flat-packed. That way I can take the hat out of the wardrobe and put it in a proper box. Problem is the box is feckin massive and I don't know where i'm gonna put it. omg i have so much crap in my house.. just total clutter. I really really want to start de-cluttering.
Anyway, let me all know how you are! xx