Vanessa's Maintenance blurb...

Absent'ness is ashamed at her lax'ness in getting up to date! SORRY!! Still havent caught up on threads (theres just so much lol). I might just tag on at the end of em from now, so if theres anyrhing i should know, pls tell me!

Ive nothing much to report - s few pound up from all May's revelries (they had to catch up in the end lol) but am also on TOTM so hopwfully they'll come back off soon! Flamin TOTM that shouldnt even happen given my alternative hysterectomy last year - am back to hospital soon tho, so probly be getting the whole hog op!

Sorry for the generic'ness post but i thoight if i kept waiting till i cud do an individual catch up, god knows when it would happen ...xx
Lovely to hear from you Ness - don't worry about catching up. You obviously have a life ;) :D xx
Hi Ness, glad all is well chick.

I believe in this place for helping too, but recently I just dont find the time that I used to have to get on here as much.
Hi Vanessa, good to see you are doing well. I have not been on here much in the last couple of weeks. Like you I had put on a few pounds over Easter etc but did not stress over it. I'm back on track now, just portion control really and cutting out chocolatey stuff!
Have a good week.
Ok - gotta try geting back into habit of posting menus! Then hopefukly will get back up to date with every1 x

B: porridge n blueberries
L: roasted carrots, parsnip, onion, 2 slices each of chicken, ham and smoked salmon
D: ?? Not sure yet, having tummy probs atm which get especially bad after 2nd meal of day, so probly a maint whip to play safe - iron levels dropped again so suspect its connected...
S: strawberries, raspberries, fromage frais
Hopefukly??? Love it! :8855:

Hope your tummy's okay :( xx
Hope your tummys better :) x
Get some Barrs Irn Bru nessy, get those iron levels up lol.

Seriously hope your tummy is better though. I have been farting like the clappers the last two days, and I was blaming it on fruit, because I have not really had fruit for a good few weeks..........found out it was the baked beans!!! Sorry TMI.............truthfulness though haha.
Beans beans good for your heart the more you eat the more you fart. The more you fart the better you feel so eat your beans with every meal .... ;)
Pardon me for being so rude .... it was not me it was my food!! ;) xx
JanD said:
Pardon me for being so rude .... it was not me it was my food!! ;) xx popped up to say hello but now it's gone back down below!!!!
Oh dear!
Hark at us lot taking over ness's diary ...... see Ness this is what happens when your not about with your ness rambles, we ramble! :giggle:
Pmsl at u girls...x

Yesterday food;

Porridge blueberries
Baked sweet potato, chicken, ham, smoked salmon; fromage frais
2x toast tuna pate

Tummy still bad :-( but Wi today and back to target, so maybes its been helpful in that regard!

Porridge blueberries
Mid afternoon: bowl of strawberries, raspberries
??? Going out for dinner (no.1 sons 22nd birthday - eeeeek, how did that happen lol)

Will try catch up on threads later ...
Ness you honestly do not look old enough to have a 22 year old son! He is only a year younger than me!

Sorry to hear tummy is still bad :(
Hope it heals up soon x
Aww thank you! Tho i admit, much to my regret, he's not my biological son! However Jim had full custody so i was lucky and blessed to bring him up and he's mine mine mine! lol

Hope ur ok sweety...x
Ahhh that's nice. Take it your not the wicked step mum then!
Feeling ok today thanks hun x
Arr Happy Birthday to him :)