Hi, welcome on board! Give us some idea what you can eat, and then we will knock our heads together? As Vicky says, if you don't eat fish and eggs, it will be a tough struggle.
Off the top of my head: Quorn was OKed by Dukan (facebook/chat) but limited to 2 sausages a day (or equivalent in other Quorn products like chicken fillets, steak strips, anything without the sauces aqnd extras). If you are not allergic to gluten, you could also use gluten flour (Vital Gluten) as a meat substitute/filler; it is quite pricy, though and difficult to get (got mine off ebay). Even if you count on omelettes as a staple item (I would mix 1 whole egg with 4-6 egg whites), you will find it hard to keep hunger at bay. Dairy products are limited to 1 kg a day (800 in another book, and even less if you weight stalls). And you will have to do very careful planning and shopping, more complicated than us carnivores as you shouldn't undereat on this diet, and getting enough protein from vegetarian products might be difficult.