Hello All
Happy Sunday to whoever checks in today.
A whopping 1.6kg off last week - meaning 4.8kg or 10.6lbs left to TW

!!! I am so happy :banana dancer:
This is a deviation from the 1kg I have been consistently losing every week since the beginning of this year... what I did different last week:
1. ate a whole load more fish (salmon and mackerel) - I actually ate fish everyday last week - sometimes even two meals!
2. ate more fat! I mean the fatty fish and the teaspoon off oil in cooking daily, ate the chicken skin, didn't trim any of the steaks I ate... Oh and corn beef! I ate half a tin of corn beef last week!
3. didnt bother with skimmed milk at all - or skimmed cheese for that matter - drank low fat milk and ate light cheese! (meaning more fat and less carbs)
I know my body likes dietary fat (I had noticed that right in the beginning after eating a Nandos and losing weight overnight!). So I dont think I will bother looking out for the fat from now on... A combination of Dukan and Atkins? hmmm
Started Phase 3 (Lean) of Chalean Extreme yesterday. It was a bicep, tricep and legs workout - my legs are fine but I could barely move my arms yesterday and they are still so sore!!!
Finally, on Fri, my mum decided to tell me that she thinks I need to stop losing weight - WHAT??? Apparently, she feels that I now look like I did in college and she fears if I lose any more I may start to look sickly ...
That conversation actually made me very happy

... Told her that I'd to TW and then will be eating more normally so should stabilize... But she was really trying to convince me to slow down on the exercise - basically to maintain what i have achieved so far... but na! I am getting to TW and will then move on to Phase 3. No way am I stopping now and not feel that sense of achievement (and maybe undo all my hardwork!).
So now I'm off to check up on everyone... (and much on my kale chips while doing so