You look fab xx
Thank you... completely forgot about the pics
You look fab xx
Hey Bonkers, that's great, thank you for sharing your menu and please don't worry about not posting daily, it's just really interesting (and helpful!) to read what's working for you
Really appreciate you writing all that up, your menu looks lovely and it's obviously working. You are doing so well, keep going!!
Hey bonkers
Still reading you!
Nice to have a sneaky insight into your menu! Looks great, when you say baked salmon, is it just salmon or do you add anything ie spices, herbs? Do you put it in foil? Only reason I ask is whenever I do salmon it never really turns out great so wondering how you prepare yoursxx
Thanks for that, sounds great
Maybe the not frying is where I go wrong, I've never tried that before that's probs why mines always soggy because I don't crisp it up! I wonder if fry light would have the same impact..... I'll give it a shot when I next buy some
I'm great thanks, I joined up to the gym at the weekend, I've been Sunday and Tuesday so far, going tomorrow and Saturday, planning on going every other day, really getting into itstill following the principals of slimming world but been toying with coming back to Dukan again xx
Ahh that makes sensethanks!
I've just started with cardio workouts, I've been following the couch to 5k app which is basically a workout to build you up for running 5 kilometers, that's a 30 min workout on the treadmill with interval running (2 min walk then 1 min run) then I do the cross trainer then the bike. In a couple of weeks when I've built my fitness up I'm going to go to some of the fitness classes!
You don't have to count or measure anything on slimming world! You have unlimited fruit, veg, lean meat and pasta, potatoes and rice then you get healthy a and b choices for milk, cheese, bread and cereal then syns for extras. I tend to avoid the carbs though, my body don't like carbs at all!!
I will probs be coming back to Dukan soon though it's too unlimited for me lol xx
I could never get salmon right either until Dukan! Then I started frying it like you have it Bonkers, and suddenly realised salmon skin is yum! It was the only fat I got, so loved it lolsimple pleasures 'eh!!
Intervals is great! That's the best form of cardio out there (apparently). And I love doing it coz I know I have to kill myself for just 2 mins before I can rest. Enjoy yourself at the classes - I love those but hate physically going to the gym
I thought you had to weigh stuff out on Slimming World?
Oh god the 1 minute run seems to last 1 hour whilst your doing it, and the 2 minute walk feels like it's over in 2 seconds!!! Sure I'll get fitter eventually! Yeah I get you there, I'm not a fan of gyms, get mega paranoid that everyone's staring at me but I've just had to realise that everyone starts as "the fatty" that's why they go there, then they turn into all these lovely slim fit people you see running a million miles per hour lol! How's your fitness stuff coming along xx
Forgot to add, well done on the loss!! You will have your century badge in no time! 2 weeks maxthen it will be 100lbs gone forever xx