Version 2: 2kg lost, 3 to go

Size 12 - wow! There's nothing quite so satisfying as trying on your regular size and finding it's too big :)

I love peri peri... Just came back from a holiday in Portugal and brought a few bottles back with me. I'm definitely going to use it for some dukan friendly sauces now.

Well done on the workouts too - they sound tough! And nice that your sis is joining in.

Happy birthday to your mum this weekend, and don't work too hard :)
Thanks guys xx

I had to update - lost a kg this week! I am now 600g / less than 1.5 lbs away from a 100lb loss!

More on why I think this happened on Sun ... have a lovely weekend all xx
Whoop whooop!!!! Almost a century!

Amazing results, bonkers. You should be very proud of yourself.

Have a lovely weekend - still have to make it through Friday though :)

Whoop whooop!!!! Almost a century!

Amazing results, bonkers. You should be very proud of yourself.

Have a lovely weekend - still have to make it through Friday though :)


Thanks Dukanista!

Live in the ME so my weekend is Fri/Sat and back to work today... Also had a day off on Thurs as time in lieu so a nice long weekend for me :D
So... a 1kg loss last week.

I ate the same food, same quantities (way too much), the same mods (nuts, extra cheese, atkins bar etc.). The only thing I did different - 2 days of 15 min HIIT instead of my regular interval cardio (30-45 min).

Can I attribute the loss to HIIT? Don't know... But, I am going to use that as my baseline and make sure I get my 2 X 15min sessions in every week!

In 77 days on Conso I have lost 4.1 kg / 9.02 lbs. That translates into 300 gm / .8 lb per week since 20 April 2014. Am I trying to lose weight now - no. Will I keep losing - don't know. Do I want to to keep losing - mmmmmm, maybe. I mean I am happy that the weight is coming off, but am also scared of a low weight that I may not be able to sustain without doing silly amounts of exercise in the future.

It was mum's bday yesterday, but we celebrated on Fri just so we could enjoy it without having to break to run errands (everything is closed Fri but shops and banks etc. opened on Sat). I ate a lot of food on Fri for lunch, had loads of sweets and cakes. And enjoyed every minute of it!

Went for a movie Fri night - took some nuts and a sandwich for my movie food so I wouldn't be tempted :p. Went car shopping for my sis yesterday. All in all a good weekend. :D

Menu for today:

B: Cappuccino with soy milk, smoked salmon

L: Full grilled chicken, butternut squash chips

D: no idea as going out tonight (but will be a grilled meat and veg dinner)

S: pork scratchings, oat bran cookie, nuts, spaghetti squash pizza with sausages and ham and cheese :D, kashkaval cheese
Absolutely brilliant that you're still losing (without really trying!). It goes to show that it's good to change up your exercise routine - I think your body gets used to something and starts doing it more efficiently, using less calories. So when you throw in a new routine, you can see a bigger result. I'm guilty of sticking to my old standbys, unfortunately. Need to do something different soon!
Hope you're OK x
Hey bonkers, how you doing? Hope you're off somewhere having an amazing holiday and enjoying your size 12s!

Hello all!

It's been over a month since I last posted. Thank you for checking in on me Pog, Caro and Leah (welcome back Leah xx :wavey:).

July was Ramadan and in the UAE it means shorter work days. So more work was crammed into 7hrs and then running home to enjoy the evenings with family. Then came Eid and everything back to normal - including work and 16hr days!

I have been reading up on everyone's journey on the go - but just not had enough time to process thoughts let alone put them down on paper :eek:.

I told myself that no matter what, I would take a few minutes and let you know all is well in the world of Bonkers :D. Today officially marks the last weekly WI day of my 1 year on Dukan - actual anniversary is on Sun :p.

On 24th August I will have completed 365 days on Dukan - 5 days attack, 234 days on Cruise and 126/406 days on Conso. How did I get here?

100.5 lbs gone forever! I have gone from morbidly obese to "overweight". Dress size (tight) 26 to now buying 12s and 14s! Not being able to play with my niece for more than a few minutes, to now chasing her around for hours, going to the kids gym with her - not getting stuck and sitting on a slide (which I haven't done in years!) and enjoying every moment of it! There was one day something freaked her out and she wanted to be carried up to the top of the gym and I did it - all 14kgs of her :p. And a few times as well - not just the once!

Since commencing Conso I have lost approx. 5 kg (11 lbs). That's since April - so 4 months. I did not expect to lose any more weight and I am no longer trying. In fact if you were to see the food I eat now - you'd be wondering how I am not gaining!

Since April, I have concentrated on strength training. I was doing cardio initially and then started HIIT, but since my last post, I have done neither :p.

What I have done is changed my strength training routine and I am now doing Wendler's 5/3/1 Program. It is just squats, deadlifts, press and bench 3 times a week - alternate days. On the days in between, I wake up with the intention to do some HIIT, but squatting and deadlifting 85lbs means my legs are deadweight and I am so sore that I just don't bother.

My body is constantly changing - my butt was sorta droopy coz of the weight loss and extra bits of skin - now its perky and getting rounder and bigger :D. I love it! I love that I feel so strong. And Dukan's principles work perfectly with strength training - all that protein just helps with muscle recovery.

I have made further changes to my diet:
  • I now eat 3 slices of bread most days.
  • Generally eat 2 starchy meals a week. I have even had white rice at one of the meals but no dire consequences.
  • I dont even bother with checking how much cheese I am eating - no more weighing out the portions.
  • My celebration meal has gone from eating whatever I want while I am in a restaurant to a 11-4 brunch type celebration. I walk around the mall buying bits of food that I normally wouldnt eat (like pretzels and pappa roti and the other day went for a 1130 am movie with mum and had popcorn and samosas :D). Then it's lunch at whatever place we fancy and I finish it off with two costa tiffins :D. Oh how I love those!
  • Finally, I am now taking two supplements to help my recovery and progress:
    • BCAA - before training and during training to give me an additional dose of protein and help with recovery.
    • Creatine - to stimulate muscle growth and help recovery.

Last week - walked into a store that had a sale on and actually purchased 7 blouses for about GBP 30. I cannot ever remember being able to do that! Got a whole new wardrobe now and oh so cheap :D.

I ran into an ex last Fri. He was the one that got away and all that and the break up that made me comfort eat 100lbs! I hadn't seen him since the break up in 2005. He was shocked! He kept saying I look like a little girl now. Tiny :D:D:D. I couldn't stop smiling.

Then the other day an ex-colleague (almost 3 years since I last saw him) joined my now organization. I recognized him and walked up to him and after chatting for a good 10 mins I was saying bye coz I had to get back to my desk. He goes "Are you bonkers? From XX company?". Hahahahaha! Loved it!

Going to go back to work now. Another submission due tomorrow (my weekend) which means a long day today and a long day tomorrow!

A couple of pics from this morning. I took these to record my 100lb loss. Size 12 top and bottom :D.

Hope all is good in the world of Dukan xx.


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Bonkers!!! So good to see you again, and what a lovely long catch up read too. I will never get tired of reading all the success stories - I love how we can cheer each other on and celebrate the results, even though we don't know each other.

Really impressed that you're doing so well on the exercise front: I'm going to have to try and do better there myself. I'm a huge fan of strength training and love how you can change your body with something simple like squats and lunges.

It's late and I've had a mad week of work with a few 12-14 hour days myself, so it's good night from me and happy anniversary for Sunday!

So nice to hear from you bonkers and glad your doing so well! You sound so happy, and you look absolutely fabulous in your work pics!!!

So glad you have found something that works for you, thanks for checking in and updating us, I was worrying!

Excellent update! Great to hear you're doing well x
Hello all :wavey:

Just checking in to say hi and let you know that all's well here.

My body appears to have reached its happy weight. I am at 73.2 kgs as of this morning's WI. The lowest I got to was 72.7. But most days I am in the 73's (161-165 lbs).

The best news I have had recently - I do not have PCOS any more!!! Went in for a check up with my gyne. She did an ultrasound and everything is normal - normal size ovaries and no cysts! Apparently it happens :confused:.

She also ran a slew of tests - cholesterol normal, insulin normal, calcium, blood count, etc. etc. all normal! Waiting on glucose test results today and excited to see if my insulin resistance has disappeared. They ran a random glucose test last week and the result was normal! And to think I was pre-diabetic this time last year with glucose being in the high range!

I love that I can now tell ppl to eff off, if they go on about cholesterol levels when I am eating my full fat mayo and yogurt and that juicy rib eye steak :D. Just over 6 months of high fat in my diet and my LDL levels have gone from borderline high to optimal!

I have also gone out and indulged in a lot of booze two weekends last month - both times whisky. And both times next morning WI - about half a pound lighter :D.

Now I am looking forward to buying a fancy dress for a Christmas wedding in Scotland - I cant wait!! :banana dancer:

Love to you all xx
Thanks for the update bonkers, and so happy to hear your good news. Hmm... I think I will have to try your whiskey experiment myself... !!!

Keep up the great work and please pop in and let us know he you're doing. Bet it's satisfying to tell everyone to get lost when they see what you're eating!

How is the fasting going, bonkers?
Hi Caro

Fasting going great! Completed 4 successful weeks on 16:8 leangains type fasting protocol. No cheats (I mean with regards to the fasting hours). It was difficult, especially weekends when family sat eating breakfast and me sipping a cup of green tea :rolleyes:.

Lost approx. 2 kgs in the 4 weeks. A kg short of what I wanted to get to. Now fasting during the week and allowing myself to eat (if I want) all hours of the weekend. I feel saner that way and still enjoy the feeling of eating loads of food in the 8 hr window during the week.

Checking in to say that I have now completed 203 days on Conso, which takes me to the halfway mark. Technically I now get 2 celebrations and 2 starches a week... Considering I no longer follow Dukan strictly during the week, I am not going to bother with the second meal - unless there is a big reason to celebrate mid week :D.

Eating more than the two slices of bread a day (think 5-6 and sometimes white bread!). I eat nuts and peanut butter and also now taking a protein supp (Casien) to help meet my protein macros - 8 hr window and all that bread and veggies does not leave a lot of place for the whole chicken :p. Strength training still going strong - working out only 3 days a week and loving it!

I will be taking a couple of days off (like whole days) to celebrate my one year smoke free anniversary on the 20th of this month. Looking forward to that day!

Final note, went for a 30th bday party last week. Wore my sisters size 12 dress :p (which she claims is too big for her ;)). Met an ex-colleague at the party and she hadnt seen the new me. She got a little excited (coz she was in lala land at that point) and made me put on red lipstick. Now I never wear make-up. Period. Don't own any. But I think it looked nice... A pic she took in the ladies room that night:


I see that the forums have started to get busy, and I wish I had more time to come on here (like the old days). But work gets crazy busy and dont have time to get a cup of coffee most days, let alone pop in here.

Hope all are doing well tho xx
Hello all

It's been ages since I last posted.


- Got halfway to Conso in November
- Moved to calorie counting since the beginning of Dec
- Have had a few ups and downs in weight with the holidays, but now back on the calorie counting wagon and started losing again
- I am now at 69.2kg (152.5 lbs and 10.8stone)
- Lost just over 50kgs since starting my journey in Aug 2013
- Revised my goal to 60kg in the next 5 months (by my bday)

Biggest news, I met somebody. Christmas party. Been going strong since. Looks like this may be it :D.

Dukan gave me the start I needed. If it wasn't for the amazing loses with zero hunger, I wouldn't be here today.

Oh ... and since I wasn't here for the start of the year - a delayed Happy and Successful New Year to you all!
oooooh lovely to read you! and CONGRATULATIONS!!! On everything!
PS: my four kitties are doing very well! (I think you know about number 4, the dear three legged kitten we took in towards the end of last year. He obviously rules the roost and the three females hate him with a vengeance! He's very boisterous and exactly how I'd imagine an irritating little brother to be!). Hubby well too. He had a go at restarting Dukan but finds it tough without me there to bully him.
oooooh lovely to read you! and CONGRATULATIONS!!! On everything!
PS: my four kitties are doing very well! (I think you know about number 4, the dear three legged kitten we took in towards the end of last year. He obviously rules the roost and the three females hate him with a vengeance! He's very boisterous and exactly how I'd imagine an irritating little brother to be!). Hubby well too. He had a go at restarting Dukan but finds it tough without me there to bully him.

I do remember the little fella. Glad all going well xx