Hello all!
It's been over a month since I last posted. Thank you for checking in on me Pog, Caro and Leah (welcome back Leah xx :wavey

July was Ramadan and in the UAE it means shorter work days. So more work was crammed into 7hrs and then running home to enjoy the evenings with family. Then came Eid and everything back to normal - including work and 16hr days!
I have been reading up on everyone's journey on the go - but just not had enough time to process thoughts let alone put them down on paper

I told myself that no matter what, I would take a few minutes and let you know all is well in the world of Bonkers

. Today officially marks the last weekly WI day of my 1 year on Dukan - actual anniversary is on Sun

On 24th August I will have completed 365 days on Dukan - 5 days attack, 234 days on Cruise and 126/406 days on Conso. How did I get here?
100.5 lbs gone forever! I have gone from morbidly obese to "overweight". Dress size (tight) 26 to now buying 12s and 14s! Not being able to play with my niece for more than a few minutes, to now chasing her around for hours, going to the kids gym with her - not getting stuck and sitting on a slide (which I haven't done in years!) and enjoying every moment of it! There was one day something freaked her out and she wanted to be carried up to the top of the gym and I did it - all 14kgs of her

. And a few times as well - not just the once!
Since commencing Conso I have lost approx. 5 kg (11 lbs). That's since April - so 4 months. I did not expect to lose any more weight and I am no longer trying. In fact if you were to see the food I eat now - you'd be wondering how I am not gaining!
Since April, I have concentrated on strength training. I was doing cardio initially and then started HIIT, but since my last post, I have done neither

What I have done is changed my strength training routine and I am now doing Wendler's 5/3/1 Program. It is just squats, deadlifts, press and bench 3 times a week - alternate days. On the days in between, I wake up with the intention to do some HIIT, but squatting and deadlifting 85lbs means my legs are deadweight and I am so sore that I just don't bother.
My body is constantly changing - my butt was sorta droopy coz of the weight loss and extra bits of skin - now its perky and getting rounder and bigger

. I love it! I love that I feel so strong. And Dukan's principles work perfectly with strength training - all that protein just helps with muscle recovery.
I have made further changes to my diet:
- I now eat 3 slices of bread most days.
- Generally eat 2 starchy meals a week. I have even had white rice at one of the meals but no dire consequences.
- I dont even bother with checking how much cheese I am eating - no more weighing out the portions.
- My celebration meal has gone from eating whatever I want while I am in a restaurant to a 11-4 brunch type celebration. I walk around the mall buying bits of food that I normally wouldnt eat (like pretzels and pappa roti and the other day went for a 1130 am movie with mum and had popcorn and samosas
). Then it's lunch at whatever place we fancy and I finish it off with two costa tiffins
. Oh how I love those!
- Finally, I am now taking two supplements to help my recovery and progress:
- BCAA - before training and during training to give me an additional dose of protein and help with recovery.
- Creatine - to stimulate muscle growth and help recovery.
Last week - walked into a store that had a sale on and actually purchased 7 blouses for about GBP 30. I cannot ever remember being able to do that! Got a whole new wardrobe now and oh so cheap

I ran into an ex last Fri. He was the one that got away and all that and the break up that made me comfort eat 100lbs! I hadn't seen him since the break up in 2005. He was shocked! He kept saying I look like a little girl now. Tiny

. I couldn't stop smiling.
Then the other day an ex-colleague (almost 3 years since I last saw him) joined my now organization. I recognized him and walked up to him and after chatting for a good 10 mins I was saying bye coz I had to get back to my desk. He goes "Are you bonkers? From XX company?". Hahahahaha! Loved it!
Going to go back to work now. Another submission due tomorrow (my weekend) which means a long day today and a long day tomorrow!
A couple of pics from this morning. I took these to record my 100lb loss. Size 12 top and bottom

Hope all is good in the world of Dukan xx.